[@TaliPaendrag][@MonsieurShade] "Yes," said Jile after the hunter had explained things. "I want to trade with the natives. I want food and seeds. What do they want? Silver?" He held up a silver coin. "Iron?" He pointed to his belt buckle. "Tools?" He pointed to the smith's hammer. --- [@Fetzen] "A pleasure." Harald said, releasing the man's hand. "Well, I've managed to keep everything in good repair around here. You could help in the mines I guess, but the goblins have run us off the silver mine and the iron mine's pulling in more than the smiths can use, so I don't think we really need it. Unless, of course, you want to help me get together some troops to go drive the gobs away. If you want to help me expand the base, though, I'd like clear some more of the forest around the fort. Maybe start work on a stone wall five hundred feet or so from the fort's main wall so that we've got something better than a palisade wall between us and those undead that show up every full moon. If we cleared a bit of the forest maybe we could start building real houses for the people here, maybe even a farm or two for when we finally get someone that can grow a stuff properly. Any of those sound good to you? I'm not really sure what I need to start on."