Alright! Time for some character reviews! Before I start these reviews, I would like to point out that sometimes, people may find my reviews a bit harsh, because I typically avoid beating around the bush when it comes to pointing out discrepancies or things that could use a bit of spit-shining. Know that none of the constructive critiques I make are personal, and that they are all made with the intent of polishing your character. My critiques are not necessarily final, and compromises can be made with proper reasoning and discussion- though there are some things I will not budge on. In the words of a friend from the oldguild: "Myke criticizes because he cares." Moving on! I will be putting everyone's critiques in hiders, starting with: [@DoctorFB] [hider] A bit plain, all in all. There's not that much to correct, because there's not that much that stands out. He's a bit different than what I had originally anticipated for characters in this RP, but not necessarily in a bad way. I honestly don't have that much to say about this character. He's very average, in just about every respect. Though I will point out, shooting and hitting a moving rabbit with a bow is not something I'd call 'novice'. Have you seen how fast(and erratically) those little shits move? [/hider] [@CorinTraven] [hider] Professional penmanship is an interesting skill, but I suppose this also implies that she is inherently well learned. It was partially my mistake, but I failed to mention that the princess should've been in disguise as a plain refugee, but I actually like what you did with her, so I think I'm going to leave it. Overall, I'm very happy with the feel of this character- a child in the middle of her growth, suddenly torn away from her world. [/hider] [@Dark Light] [hider] He's not a teen refugee, but he's not exactly a grungy mercenary is he? How would he find himself in this caravan- a group of carts filled with children and teens, protected by some worn out mercenaries and city guards no longer fit for hard combat? Personality section is a bit sparse, but serviceable. If Vallen was bought from his father by a performing troupe, how did he also take his father's "greatest masterpiece" with him? Its also almost [i]too [/i]convenient that his father's greatest work was a set of throwing knives- which Vallen happened to learned how to use while in the troupe. A Royal smith crafting weapons for nobles and knights? Giving them daggers as opposed to fine swords?- I feel like it would make more sense for his masterpiece to be a single piece. [/hider]