[@RumikoOhara] [center][h1][color=ed1c24]Emira Levi Firestorm[/color][/h1][/center] Emira rested her head on her knees. [color=ed1c24]"I know you are constantly with the dead... i mean.. i am while i am at home.. That Polgergeist living in my attic and all."[/color] she shrugged. [color=ed1c24]"Its alright, you might be close to me like a sister, but we were still raised differently. You can believe as you like, as long as I can believe as I like. It is only our right to have our separate opinions which makes life interesting."[/color] Emira smiled at her friend, clicking her tongue. [color=ed1c24]"If you like. Just be careful that they don't end up getting taken because someone likes them so much."[/color] she was actually guilty of that same thing, taking a book out on spells, charms, and hexes as soon as she'd come to hogwarts. She'd spent most of her first through third year practicing various spells from the books. Then when she'd gotten good enough to do them without looking, she'd attempted a few without using words. So far.. she was only capable of lighting things on fire and blowing things up. Naturally her two best spells. She waved her wand, muttering a spell under her breath, conjuring butterflies from the tip of her wand. The glowing creatures fluttered around the room before vanishing in a shower of sparkles. [color=ed1c24]"Man.. its going to be so weird not coming back to this place."[/color] she climbed up to the window seat again and glanced out the window. [color=ed1c24]"You know.. i'm supposed to decide what i am doing for the rest of my life this year."[/color] she stated. [color=ed1c24]"I know i don't want to be an Auror.. too much paperwork. I.. i didn't tell my uncle this, but i am thinking about going to study dragons for a year or two. Then.. i don't know. I wish there was a job as volatile as I am... where i could go where i like.. and just.. see everything in the world whenever i like. I just.. i want to be free.. you know?"[/color] She smiled. [color=ed1c24]"Actually.. you should remember how much my obession was with escaping everything when we were kids. You remember fifth year? When i transfigured my arms into wings? I thought.. that if i was a bird.. i could just take to the skies... and leave all this behind."[/color] she let out a laugh. [color=ed1c24]"I broke all the bones in my legs and arms, and was in the hospital for three days."[/color] she laughed. [color=ed1c24]"That's what i get for trying to be an animagus without proper training i guess."[/color] She leaned back against the window seat, glancing back over her shoulder as she gazed at Megan. [color=ed1c24]"You know... i don't even know if i want to go study dragons. I mean.. i am good at training THestrals.. and i like them.. should i just take the easy route? Maybe.. but... then what of the world... I want to leave an impact.. i want to do something no one else has done... you know? Just.. i haven't figured out what it is yet.."[/color] ________________________ Emira may or may not have been the slightest bit late to Potions class. This may have been slightly purposeful, as making a blood replenishing potion was really boring. She wanted to do something more exciting... and this was keeping her from learning something actually important. Whatever, she would just make the potion, not because she wanted to, but more because she didn't like to see the weakened rats they were supposed to be feeding the potion. The poor creatures deserved her best effort. Staring at the recipe on her desk she brought her steel cauldron onto the desk, admiring the stupid face she'd carved in the side using a knife when she was in fourth year. Potions was honestly pretty easy for Emira.. all she did was follow instructions.. sort of like cooking, only with far more volatile results. There were those in the class who were better than her.. but she still had relatively good grades in this class. She wiggled her fingers at Megan and joined her at the table. [color=ed1c24]"Hey princess."[/color] She called with a teasing eyebrow wiggle. [color=ed1c24]"Blood potion, yaay."[/color] she stated sarcastically. [color=ed1c24]"Can't wait to use it never again in my life."[/color]