(GodsI am sorry comrades, things have been dificult and I will leave it at that, I'll offer an extra push to get this ball rolling instead of holding it in place like I have been) *Meanwhile on Namek* Remus stewed in his own thoughts as the others where desperate for direction in truth so was he, thousands of ideas and theories swept through him yet he chose to remain silent on them, he finally snapped out of his fugue and turned North [color=lightblue]"Well we are but lost lambs and have been given a direction, if we were to rely on our own wit and knowledge of this place we are more than likely to end up slaughtered either way! I say since the only thing we have to lose is the riveting familiarity of this one area we have stayed in and our lives so if anyone is with me on the possibilities of something new I'll take the first step!" [/color]