[center][h1]B R E N N E R[/h1][sub][i][b]“Actors are con men and con men are actors.”[/b][/i] E D W A R D B U R N S[/sub][/center] [hr][hr][center][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_nbYdNetvTOg/TIZP2Gm2ebI/AAAAAAAATNY/iw1LzKHdLQE/s800/zara_mens_Fall2010_Sep-2.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [B][color=B6B6B4]| IDENTITY: |[/color][/B] [INDENT]Dirk "Faceman" Brenner[/INDENT] [B][color=B6B6B4]| D.O.B: |[/color][/B] [INDENT]July 15[sup]th[/sup], 1983[/INDENT] [B][color=B6B6B4]| ROLE: |[/color][/B] [INDENT]Frontman and Procurer[/INDENT] [B][color=B6B6B4]| SKILLSET: |[/color][/B] [INDENT]Face is perhaps the most versatile of the team. His role is pretty much whatever Hannibal requires. He is mainly the [i]Face[/i] of their operations. He acts as bait, conman, front-man, and hustler. He is also responsible for getting the team whatever they need. Be it anything from an airplane to guns. Often his channels are highly illegal and sometimes dangerous. Another one of his singular skills is his way with money. He handles the team's accounts, keeps the money in a constant shuffle and untraceable, their paychecks and any other money that comes their way. Face is extremely good with money, even off paper, able to factor large amounts in seconds. Like the other members in the team Face is handy with all sorts of guns. Though he tends to prefer those of a heavier caliber. Such as a 9mm or .45. When Hannibal is not available Face is the second in command and responsible for planning plans. He also has his own meager skill in disguises, but he isn't as good as Hannibal. [/INDENT] [B][color=B6B6B4]| PERSONALITY: |[/color][/B] [INDENT]Face is the realist of the group. He tends to see things how they are. Which is probably why he's the defacto second. He never assumes the best going into a situation. Whenever Hannibal comes up with a crazy, off the wall plan, Face loves to complain about it. To an outsider it would look like Face was trying to get out of it. But in all reality the man just loves to complain and point out what could go wrong. Years ago someone once commented that Face was happiest when he had something to complain about. All around Face is a generally a happy man. He loves the finer things in life. Name brand clothes, wine, men, women, etc. Face is the least likely member of the A-team to want to fight. He tends to avoid conflict. Most of the time he'd rather try and settle it with talking. Which usually never works out. The reasoning to avoid fighting is usually along the lines of ruining his clothes, hair, what have you. Or even that fighting is a nuisance. However that wont stop him from sacrificing those things to help the team if the occasion calls for it.[/INDENT] [B][color=B6B6B4]| BACKGROUND: |[/color][/B] [INDENT]Face had a hard childhood. As a young boy he lived at [b]St. Mary's[/b]. An orphanage run by the Catholic church. He first came to St. Mary's at the age of five. Despite his best efforts the man can't remember much before that point. The name he gave was [b]Dirk Brenner[/b]. To this day Face doesn't believe that is his real name. Because of that belief he has assumed many names. Some rather mundane, others on the more esoteric side. Such as [b]Templeton Peck[/b]. Brenner joined the Army as soon as he was of age, eager to get away from LA and the Orphanage. By the age of twenty-one Brenner had made a name for himself on his Army base. Word quickly spread that Brenner was the go-to guy for any of your more esoteric needs. It wasn't until he continued the trend on his first overseas assignment that he came to the attention of the special ops team. He was quickly moved into the special forces Operational Detachments Alpha, ODA as another weapons specialist. In the ODA he meet Hannibal, Murdock and B.A along with men he would soon conciser a family of sorts. After their last mission went [i]wrong[/i] the four survivors of their detachment escaped. Upon returning to the Army they were arrested and imprisoned in spite of their testimonies. After spending half a year incarcerated Hannibal lead them to freedom. With their new found freedom they became Mercenaries for hire. Though that was just a means to an end. Their goal is to clear their name and to no longer be on the run. Over the ensuing time as a small four man team, it cemented for Face the fact that these people were his family. Not blood related, but chosen.[/INDENT]