The trio made their way quickly yet quietly into the depths of the woods. Within less than a hundred yards, the trees now consumed almost all sunlight and gave rise to fungi dominating most of the ground near the trees. The path they walked down now was little more than a dirt trail players must've trotted down enough to wear away the grass but at least it helped show them which way to go. Sebastian could see shapes moving in the darkness around them, his head swiveled in all directs back and forth trying to see if anything dangerous was around them. A few times he managed to catch the sight of three or four skinny little legs pulling themselves back behind a tree or into the brush. Sweat began to collect on the back of his neck, his breathing was beginning to increase and paranoia was starting to find a home inside his head. They continued in more when the sound of grunting could be heard mixed with feet clattering across the ground. Sebastian turned his head to pinpoint the direction of the sound before whispering quietly. [b]"Come on, we have to find out what the is. It sounds like fighting, that could be someone who needs our help."[/b] Giving no time for either of the two to lead, Sebastian launched himself through a thick bush that lined the side of the path they were taking. Bringing himself into a thicket of branches and brush that took slight skill to maneuver through. When he finally wretched himself free of all the thorns and branches that held him, Sebastian stumbled out into a clearing where a young looking girl was placed next to the deceased carcass of a medium level spider, one Sebastian himself had never seen before. The girl looked a bit scratched up and worn down, but alive. [b]"Hey you okay? I thought I heard a struggle you're not poisoned or anything right?"[/b] he examined the girl over a bit, she didn't seem like she had the equipment to be out here and from the lack of an actual weapon in her hand he was shocked. [b]"You killed that thing with dinky little throwing knives? What class are you some kind of marksman or somethin'? Do you need a health potion or anything?"[/b]. Sebastian placed his palm outwards and allowed a health potion to be removed from his inventory, appearing in his hand which he offered to the clearly injured woman with a polite smile across his face.