[@Athinar] [i]Donny really hadn't been expecting this. He went to the movies now and then, saw a few Harry Potters. Wizards and witches weren't supposed to be able to go all Spiderman on your ass. Still, despite having been born in an era of relative peace and security, he was a genuine warrior, with the adaptational reflexes to go with it. Donny would hurl himself backwards to both avoid the kick and keep Gweyr in sight, though he'd have been far too surprised to shoot after her. He'd roll to his feet, and there would be a grenade in his left hand. Not only that, but something was attached to the pin of the explosive. It was a ring clip. He'd let the grenade tumble from his fingers. It would stop a half foot from the ground, suspended by a nearly invisible wire that Donny held in his hand, leading up to his digital watch. Sweet Lordy alive, it was a razor wire grenade flail. A razor wire grenade flail in one hand and a .44 Magnum in the other. By this point most entities would call it a day and get the fuck out of Dodge. "First-Degree" Donny's eyes glinted dully from a distant streetlight as he took a step towards Gweyr, cold rain pattering down on his hat.[/i]