[h1][color=7bcdc8]Wraith[/color][/h1] Wraith was slightly relieved when Ditch snatched the bracelet from her hands. Firstly because it belonged to one of Umbra's lapdogs, which made her skin crawl. Secondly, because it had been sitting in Racket Avenue, which meant that it kind of stunk. Not that she got too hung up on that stuff, but if she had to choose between hanging on to it or not, she was taking the second option. She didn't really try to calm Ditch down at all. While she understood that the hacker was trying to do the right thing, she didn't appreciate the idea of the group being stuck with a target on their back for the sake of a single kid. Maybe that made her a bad person, but someone needed to look at the situation logically, instead of going around trying to save every single kid in the city. As soon as she thought that, she felt guilty. [color=7bcdc8]Maybe it's just that everyone else here values other people's lives, Kara. You've spent the past year killing anyone that looks at you funny. No one else in here is a murderer-[/color] she shook her head. No. Bad thoughts. She couldn't dwell on them too much, or she'd end up like the other day. She didn't want to show that much weakness again. Still, it seemed like some of the group were actually even worse at comforting people than her. Like, seriously not doing great. The kid just woke up, had no idea who they were, so obviously the best thing to do would be to set fire to things and terrorise him with shadow hands. Not like that would freak him out at all. It took all her self-control to keep from rolling her eyes. At last, Ecto and Ditch managed to calm the kid down enough to make him talk to them, basically just allowing the kid to confirm the suspicions caused by the bracelet. Sure enough, the kid's wounds were to do with Umbra. This started up a second attempt to comfort the kid from Omega and Turn Back. Omega said something about being the good guys. Wraith couldn't say that herself without feeling like a liar. She kind of envied that, but she wouldn't admit it to anyone that asked. Turn Back, though, managed to start a conversation with the kid. She kind of just stood there, vaguely listening to them talk. She didn't pay much attention until the kid started talking about ghosts. Once she realised what that meant, she went pale and backed away from the kid slightly. She didn't want to know about her ghosts. Maybe it was just people that cared about you that the kid saw, but if it wasn't... Well, she'd killed a lot of people, hadn't she? Hell, she'd laughed as she'd done it. The idea of them following her around, of ghosts like that existing. She'd at least taken some comfort in the idea that it'd be over when she died, that she could make up for her actions somehow. If she couldn't, if she'd have to face their ghosts? That idea scared her more than anything she could name. Even if it was just people she cared about, the idea that her mom had been watching her do those things - she'd always been kind, tried to make her daughter the same way. Said that good things come to those who deserve them, which her daughter had stopped believing when she watched her die. Still, the idea that she'd made her spirit watch her become a monster was horrifying to her. She felt sick to her stomach, and backed away further. The last thing that Kara Banks wanted was to hear her ghosts.