It is fine. I'm far more calmed down than I was before... I forgive both, assuming it was not within your intentions. I posted just now, but would like to make a quick note on things (specifically for those pinged in my post already, [@Cubix] & [@urukhai]) [indent]Though Cubix posted before urukhai, I found it easier to write in that Rancor would appear after Olifina and Hadrian due to the entries presented. The last portion of urukhai's post has them already present in the room, ready to be interacted with, and within Cubix's post, Rancor is knock knock knocking on Heaven's door. Well, not literally, but still knocking. I still also know that Serenity, AimeChambers's character, is still present, and given that urukhai's post didn't seem to touch on Serenity being there but Cubix's post did, I went with my best assumption that Olifina and Hadrian were present before Serenity and Rancor. I apologize if I misread your post, urukhai. I reread it a couple times and decided that my best take on it was to manage with this specific order. I hope this didn't create any problems for you.[/indent] In other news, Valentine's post isn't present because he's waiting on Auberon's response to arrive (assuming it's in the middle of being sent) and Caymdahr's response (no rush; just explaining why Valentine isn't being touched upon just yet). I apologize to Wisp if they are stuck without anything for Cordelia at this moment. [s]Cordelia knows how to twiddle her thumbs though, right? [/s] In other news, I hope you all are proud of me for one particular line in my response. Now, I shall proceed to paint my dragon-y nails until more posts arrive.