[@MelonHead] Eh. Saying its 'All be a dream' is the vaguest way I could detail it. Let me clarify; The character I am considering using, a large portion of his kit revolves around illusions ~ Usually being multi-sensory. There's always a fatal weakness to the illusion, and if one spots it and focuses in hard on that break-point, the illusion will shatter. This character doesn't create perfect illusions, but he does weave some very nasty tricky ones from time to time. In essence, what I am saying is they'd both be under the effects of one of those illusion spells. Leaving the area would of course cause the illusion to break, but that wouldn't be a problem considering they'd be fighting inside the area. So that'd classify it as one of his 'Area Illusions', on the edges of which the illusion tends to thin out visibly. But as long as they remained within anything that happened to them, they'd of course feel, But as for actual death? No it's just like dying in a dream; they'd wake up outside the illusion kinda baffled as to what just went down. I should also mention that this character I will be using, I've been known to utilize a lot of crypticism in his spells and attacks. By that I mean, I don't come right out and say immediately, 'oh if you step back three spaces the illusion breaks.' or 'Oh he's right over here you just can't see him; but you can see like 3 other visible illusions.' and all. That's mostly to prevent some issues I've had in the past. If this is ok or if you'd like me to go into more detail whilst doing so, let me know. ~Kasus