[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/JrQwm27.png[/img] [sub][i][b]“I'm no longer accepting the things I cannot change, I'm changing the things I cannot accept.”[/b][/i] A N G E L A D A V I S[/sub][/center] [hr][hr][center][sub][color=D14F43][b]K I N G M A K E R[/b][/color] / [color=steelblue][b]M E T A L L O[/b][/color][/sub][/center] [b]N E W T R O Y - M E T R O P O L I S - U S A[/b] [indent]It seemed that Diana’s arrival in Metropolis had been opportune; a moment that she did not take lightly and most certainly after the events in Kaznia was not one she had the patience to act softly on. There were not many foes that Diana knew of who could do harm to Superman let alone nearly kill him, but it was clear that this metallic man was one of them. She wondered if Superman would’ve thanked her for acting on her impulses this time or if it would’ve been like before when she used “needless” and “overzealous” force. But as far as she figured it— when you are about to die from an unknown enemy it was better to have someone who acted in such a fashion than allow you to die on the ground like a helpless child. She frowned, glaring down at this enemy who she had sent with one strike flying down the streets of New Troy with ease. Superman might have been weak to this “green death” but she was not. Though the precedent of Superman having such a weakness was something she had thought about ever since she entered line of sight of the Man of Steel cringing as he began to collapse in pain as the life was drained from him without any effort. What was this green energy? Who was responsible for it being in this villain’s hands? It was a thing that would make any person feel uncomfortable. Superman was supposed to be powerful like that of a [i]god[/i]— he was supposed to be [i]invulnerable[/i]. If someone could harvest such an energy that could destroy him… who was to say there were not developments out there to take out others like him; others such as Thor, Captain Marvel, The Flash… and… herself. Diana felt an unease swell in her throat. It wasn’t the fact people could take them down from their “pedestal”; because Diana didn’t view herself as above anyone. But it was the fact that people were arming themselves to kill people who only wanted to protect them and allowing the evils of fear and hate to manipulate them. [b][color=D14F43]“Save your apologies, it is not Superman’s time to meet his maker.”[/color][/b] As Superman pushed himself up from the ground, she looked back at him— slightly. Whilst Diana was ready to fight— Metropolis was not her city. Respecting a sort of agreement she had made in the past; she would not presume in the domain of another hero. She would’ve expected the same courtesy in Gateway City had Superman decided to enter a fight there, after all. [b][color=D14F43]“Who are we dealing with here?”[/color][/b][/indent]