[center][h2][color=lightblue]Izuki Goemon[/color][/h2][/center] [indent]And just like that, the beast was dead. It gave one final roar and collapsed. Its body began dissolving into that weird black goop even as it sank into the gap between the two halves of the car. Izuki only had seconds to avoid falling into the void as the final skull crumbled, depositing her unceremoniously in a heap on the cold metal floor. She got quickly to her feet as the hellhound roared its last, then fell over, very dead. She couldn't help but pump her fist in excitement. [color=lightblue]"Yes! Fucker's dead! Now all we gotta do is get outta- "[/color] Suddenly one of the vines blindsided Izuki. It whipped her cheek as it wrapped itself round her wrists, and she yelled out in agony as pain lances shot through her wrists. The vine bound her hands together, locked tight as sheer pain engulfed her hands and arms, and she sank to her knees in barely disguised misery. Izuki struggled against the vines, but every movement brought more agony into her arms, and she gave up with a pained roar. But as she almost gave up hope, a blue light, no, [b]multiple[/b] blue lights filled her vision, and as she raised her head she saw the sources. Thousands of little blue wisps, just like the one that was now a doll. They surged forward as one and tore the black vines away with their fire, engulfing the car in blue flame. But it wasn't hot. Not even painful. The vines on her wrists melted away and she stumbled backwards, still confused and aching. The train car itself then began stitching itself together, like a tailor with two pieces of cloth. Izuki got to her feet, found her balance and watched as the environment returned itself to a semblance of normal around her, in a state of slack-jawed wonder like her other companions. The muscled girl dusted herself off, then spotted the blue glow on the floor of the train car as the others started talking. [color=DarkGray]"We… should get each other’s numbers, in case something like this happens again, just to be safe."[/color] The unconscious boy. He was conscious. Mari hobbled over to him and held up her phone, and shortly after the crybaby slash drama queen followed suit. Obviously they were syncing their virtual phonebooks, and the silver haired boy had a point. Izuki merely shrugged, took out her phone and held it up to the others. [color=lightblue]"Got a point there, sleeping beauty. And for your info, my name's Izuki Goemon."[/color] [color=8dc73f]"You girls really have some balls. Um, meta...meta…metaphysically speaking."[/color] The crybaby made a quip about her and the brown haired girl, something about having more balls even though they technically, as girls, didn't have any. It fell flat very fast, and Izuki was compelled to respond. [color=lightblue]"More balls than you sure had, but at least you pulled your weight instead of crying like a baby."[/color] She smirked and kept her phone as it beeped an affirmative to the sync. The little blue glow on the floor still drew her attention, and as she walked closer, she saw the body underneath the flame. [color=lightblue]"Hey...it's that blue guy."[/color] Izuki knelt and gently scooped the flickering blue body into her hands, holding it cupped in her palms as she walked back to the group. [color=lightblue]"Hey guys, look. It's mister blue. I think he's alive? But, like, out cold."[/color][/indent]