Ahhhhhhhhhhh, This is the first RP I ever finished. This brings a tear to my eye. Thank you everyone for participating in this amazing RP - this is easily the most fun I ever had with one of these RPs. Anywho, we're moving on to the ending post stage. I have a hefty ending post planned, so I'm going to distribute it over several smaller posts. [quote][b]5.1 The End of an Old Era.[/b] [list][*][i]The literal hell is over, and all of Verthaven's enemies have finally been defeated. In the end, there were few survivors, and Verthaven has been condemned. However, this isn't the end of the story. Another is beginning in the ashes of this city. Where will this new tale take them?[/i][/list] [hr][/quote] I'm going to try to finish it by tomorrow? I'm free to help anyone with their posts.