[@TheUnknowable]Agmundr started thinking. According to the information currently available to him, what was it what the fort needed most urgently ? Food and security! As far as he knew silver wasn't an important metal for making weapons, armor or building something, and it would take a while to drive the goblins out of the mine and get the operation going again. He concluded that on the bottom line, more could be achieved in the same amount of time by building an additional wall to gain a protected area for farming or doing other things. "I opt for the forest" he said. Driving a saw or an axe should be something he would be fairly good at, and he wouldn't be exposed to very dim light where one could clearly see the light in his eyes... What an utterly useless feature of his undead existence this was! That glow was bright enough to tell everybody he wasn't completely normal, but it wasn't bright enough for him to read in the dark. It was just annoying! There was one question however that popped up in his mind and that he wanted an answer for immediately: "Erm... can you tell me when the next full moon will be ? I've lost track of time a bit during that cruise."