[i]Donny was, perhaps, smarter than Gweyr had anticipated. He knew, however, that attempting the same trick twice is foolish. She was beyong the reach of his flail, and if he detached the grenade and tossed it at her she might intercept it in the process. He'd step down on the grenade and jerk up with the wire to pull the pin free, at the same time firing a round several feet to the woman's left to draw away the electricity. He had somehow predicted that a lightning bolt was about to come. Perhaps he had felt his hair standing up on end and had smelt ozone? A split second later he'd be sprinting to his right, keeping an eye over his shoulder and the Magnum cocked. The grenade had a six second fuse and wouldn't detonate until about three seconds after the witch landed right on top of it. She had better be quick.[/i]