[h1][color=Red]Takeshi[/color][/h1] Takeshi responded to a grunt, not feeling at all fine with this current arrangement, but not seeing any point in actively complaining about it. However, when he suddenly found himself being hugged from behind, hearing the quiet girl's crackly voice whispering to him, his back shot up ramrod straight as he tried to protest, his red rather flushed as words tried to from, but all that came out was inane gibbering. A few giggles and chuckles could be heard from the other kids at seeing there siblings discomfort, which only increased when Takeshi turned his eyes to them, trying to look as intimidating as possible, but failing miserably due to the fact that his fact was still rather red. [color=Gray]"I'm sure Takeshi is doing more than fine right now, right Mii?"[/color] Kazuya chuckled, only to quickly dodge out of the way to avoid a swing sent his way by Takeshi, who was trying to break out of Rin's grip(which probably tightened at this point) in an attempt to smack his brother in the head. [color=Red]"I'm going to fucking kick your ass, Kazuya, just you wait."[/color] [color=Gray]"Sure you are, Takeshi, sure you are."[/color] The slightly older boy's tone drove Takeshi into more of a frenzy, but he was quickly shut up by Asoka's demand for seat belts and the sinister stench of her feet. He reluctantly obeyed, muttering something under his breath about how something must've had died in those shoes. Soon after, they had arrived at the clinic. No sooner had the door opened that the horde of kids stormed out, Mii and the twins taking a step back to keep out of the way of the inevitable scuffle. Kazuya was already out of the car, and had to avoid a tackling charge from Takeshi, who had basically leaped at him. Kazuya then proceeded to try and get Takeshi in a head lock, but Takeshi was able to get out of it and then took his brother to the ground. Thus the fight continued until someone decided to stop it, with Kazuya always try to catch the raging Takeshi instead of returning a punch, obviously used to dealing with these kinds of things before.