[u]Castor Marinos[/u] Displaying a remarkable degree of swiftness for one of his kind, the Ogryn dove forth into battle, loosing a barrage from their Ripper Gun. A simple and brutish weapon, but, as the Greenskins would soon discover, a remarkably effective one. Not to be outdone, the two Janissaries moved into proper firing positions. While Hesiod fired off a volley to draw the Greenskins closer, the Sergeant took aim at the largest Ork amongst the group, surmising that one to be their paltry excuse for a squadron leader. Aware of the Orkoid's capacity to resist harm - he'd seen one survive the loss of its entire lower body - Castor maximized the output on his Lasgun, and pulled the trigger. With a burst of light and an amplified report, the distinct beam of the M36 sailed towards the mass of Orks. [i]The humble lasgun is an instrument of the Emperor's wrath. May it sing true, and deliver His wrath unto these vermin.[/i] As he'd hoped, the shot found its mark, burrowing through the Greenskin's armour and toughened hide alike. "They say these beasts know not of fear. Let us enlighten them, for Drusus and the Emperor!"