[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/nMlpUT0.png[/img][/center] Mike cast a speculative look at Oliver's back as the boy went to bed, but then shrugged and went to work unpacking his own things. He'd always had trouble going to bed early, too many late nights in the muggle world probably. Moving about quietly in the dark, long after everyone had gone to bed, was something of a skill he'd acquired. [color=eeba30]"[i]Mobiliarbus[/i],"[/color] he incanted quietly. Various objects began floating out of his trunk, school books rising to wait patiently in the air and a new set of clean robes hanging themselves on the wall even though there was nothing to hang from. A bowl swooped off to the bottom of the bed, and hundreds of small, perfectly round red balls dropped into it; Mercy's cat food. Speaking of Mercy, the cat had taken off to explore as soon as Oliver had abandoned him. It wouldn't be long before the cat was forcefully returned to the room by skittish house elves. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence, Mercy would vanish into the halls and reappear at the feet of a prefect or professor and bother them until they gave in and gave him attention or ordered the house elves to take the cat back to it's owner. Mike decided not to wait up for him, instead locking up his trunk and striping down and redressing himself in bumblebee pajamas. He slept soundly for a change, unstressed by a foreign environment and relieved to be home- because Hogwarts was definitely home. [@Classpet] [hr] By early morning Mercy's food bowl was empty, but the cat was still nowhere to be seen. Mike wasn't worried. He stumbled through the morning rituals; nabbing a shower the second the bathroom was empty, dressing himself in the robes he'd set out the night before, and brushing his teeth in the charmed mirror, following the reflective personality's advice as he did. By breakfast he was more awake and eager to begin the day, it didn't matter that his first class was with Bellfree, DADA not being his favourite class, at least he was back at Hogwarts. The school was literally where the magic happens, and any class at all was better than another strained day with his parents. He followed Oliver tot he back of the class, dropping into a seat beside him and hiding an amused grin when he noticed he was rushing through his summer homework.