[@Ninian][@Noklu] [h2][color=darkturquoise]Devon the Totodile[/color][/h2] [h3][color=khaki]Valiant Village, Central Plaza[/color] [/h3] Celty questioned him of his familiarity of the place, and Devon simply shrugged in response. [color=darkturquoise]"I guess it's just....All the activity going on around here.....I just feel like I've been in a place this busy before. It might have been another village? And as for how I got here, that's a great question that I still don't got an answer to."[/color] Devon's head turned back to the statue as Celty explained it to be of something called the 'Swords of Justice'. Of course the amnesiac Totodile had absolutely no clue who they were, but the info was interesting none the less. [color=darkturquoise]"Huh. Cool. I might ask around about that later."[/color] The blue crocodile moved his legs as they dangled over the edge of the bridge. His gaze focused on two Furret tossing a ball back and forth to each other on in the plaza, but the scene soon grew stale as something gleamed in the corner of his eye. Devon's head tilted downwards to peer into the stream lazily running beneath him to spot some sort of shiny object at the bottom of the river bed. [color=darkturquoise]"Hey, what's that shiny thing down there in the water?.....Hang on, I'm gonna go grab it."[/color] Like lightning, the Totodile had already taken a deep breath and pushed himself off of the edge of the bridge to fall into the water with a loud [b]SPLASH![/b] The river was deeper then it looked, and Devon was now a few feet down under the liquid as he looked around below him to spot the shiny item once again. The water actually felt really relaxing, and was pretty warm too. With surprising speed and grace, the Water-type kicked his feet and swished his tail to dive deep down onto the river bed. Snatching the little object into his claws and quickly racing back up, Devon popped his scaly head out of the surface of the water with a satisfying sigh. [color=darkturquoise]"Ah....This feels great! Who needs naps when you can take a dip?"[/color] He then looked up to the edge of the bridge above him to spot Celty and Dylan peering down at him. The Totodile gave a grin in response, and began to float on his back as he gestured to the two Pokémon. [color=darkturquoise]"You guys should come in! It's fun! Oh! And check out what I found down there!"[/color] He then proceeded to hold up his right arm, revealing a [url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/3/30/Pok%C3%A9_currency.png]small, gold metal disc with the letter 'P' stamped onto it.[/url] Devon wore a face of confusion as he looked between both Dylan and Celty. [color=darkturquoise]"Do you guys know what this little piece of metal is? Cause I don't."[/color]