Kurt was still largely unimpressed by the actions of the bickering soldiers. 'It shouldn't have had to come to this' he thought, folding the head of his entrenching tool and placing it back on his tool belt. He wasn't entirely sure why aiding the travelling merchant was even an issue, if he was aiding the enemy then his summary execution would be needed, if not then he may be able to walk free...with all his limbs intact. Shaking his head softly, Kurt walked over to where Kenneth had swaggered off to. Hastily pulling out his pen, Kurt scribbled something down hastily on a small piece of crumpled up and dirty scrap paper he had on his person. It read as follows: "While I don't see why you fought, if that traveler has goods that could have aided us then we should have taken them." It was a simple message but conveyed the nigh mechanical emotions and cold, perhaps unnerving, logic that Kurt stood by. Survival was all that mattered here.