[hr][hr][center][h3][color=salmon]Kylie[/color], [color=steelblue]Wesley[/color], [color=seagreen]Riley[/color], & [color=dodgerblue]Sophia[/color][/h3] [sub]Collab with [@lovely complex] & [@The Muse][/sub][/center] [hr][hr] [color=steelblue]“Oh jeez… I'm sorry abouts your loss. Theys were good people, you know? Everybody loved them, especially us Harmons. If yous needs anything, just let me know.”[/color] Wes sympathetically told the gorgeous, bespectacled woman in front of him. He remembered her from college, but, like her parents, couldn't put a name to her face. One of his buddies from college used to date her or something of that nature. [color=steelblue]“I think I'll starts off with a glass of water for now. You're Suzy, right? No… Wait, that was Grey’s side bitch...” [/color]Immediately, Wes slapped himself in the face when he mentioned that last tid bit of information. [color=steelblue]“I apologizes for that last comment. That was rude.”[/color] In the meantime, Kylie and Jenny waited to be seated. However, it didn’t take long for Jenny to spot her very powerful step-cousin. [color=mediumpurple]”Ooooh! Let’s get us a free meal, K. That’s my step-cousin, Wes Harmon. He’s richer than my dad, for sure. Oh… and it’s totally his birthday!”[/color] the petite blonde whispered to her new friend. [color=salmon][i]’That douche canoe is related to her? I’d kill myself.’[/i][/color] were Kylie’s thoughts on the subject. Suddenly though, the Reese twin felt herself dragged through the aisle towards the purple haired man. [color=mediumpurple]”Wes Harmon, correct?”[/color] Jenny impolitely interjected herself into whatever conversation her cousin was having with the server. Two beautiful blondes, dressed like professional hookers, appeared beside his table before his waitress could get a retort in. Taking his sunglasses off and quirking an eyebrow at the one that questioned him, Wes gave her a threatening glare. [color=steelblue]”What’s it to you?”[/color] he barked, rapping several fingers against the table in succession. The shorter blonde just giggled and sat herself and her friend down. [color=mediumpurple]”Happy Birthday! I’m Shelby and this is Chloe. We had arrangements to uh… [i]accompany[/i] you today.”[/color] Wes snickered at her words. His father always did something to surprise him each year. Sending him escorts was a bit of a surprise though, considering how prudish he was. Dino always talked about [i]fidelty[/i] and [i]honor[/i], but they were criminals, not knights in shining armor. Might as well get laid before you get hauled off to prison, right? Maybe his dad had finally come to his senses though. [color=steelblue]”Okay, well Ms. [i]Shelby[/i] and [i]Chloe[/i] go ahead and order whatever. I’ll take care of you today.”[/color] Kylie was stunned at Jenny’s audacity. Not just because she had the balls to fool one of the most powerful men in the town, but also to bring her within [i]inches[/i] of Sophia’s face. Nervously, she sat next to the window, fixated her face out towards the landscape before her and silently prayed the brunette waitress didn’t recognize her.. [color=mediumpurple]”I will have… a strawberry milkshake, and can you get the chef to deliver it himself please? Thank you.”[/color] Jenny ordered beside her, slashing Kylie’s moment of respite. There was a brief moment of silence before Wes turned his head towards her. [color=steelblue]”You okay, Chloe? You seems nervous or somethin’.”[/color] Anxiously, Kylie jerked her face around and nodded to the man. [color=salmon]”Um, yeah. I’m fine… I’ll have Mountain Dew, I guess.”[/color] she finally replied, not daring to face their server. [color=steelblue]”Well there you have it.”[/color] Wes clapped his hands together and brightly smiled at the lovely brunette. “[i]Grey’s bitch…[/i]” Yup, that had been her. Sophia could only imagine the things Greyson’s group had said about her in private, considering the vulgar things that had been said even when she was in the room. Sexual comments had probably turned malicious since the breakup. “[i]At least it was nice of Wes to offer “anything”.... I guess…[/i]” Fortunately for her she didn’t have the opportunity to answer, as two blondes interrupted the oh-so pleasant conversation. She stepped back a bit as the one who called herself Shelby sat down on the other side of the booth. “[i]She looks familiar…[/i]” Sophia thought, eyes glued to the girl and completely ignoring the other. The name Shelby didn’t ring any bells, but Sophia was sure she had seen this girl from somewhere before. As Shelby mentioned “accompanying” Wes for his birthday, Sophia took her eyes away from the girl and looked down at her notepad. It was pretty clear what “accompany” meant, especially with the way these girls were dressed and how Shelby was batting those big green eyes at him. Chloe, on the other hand, seemed to be a newbie in comparison. As soon as Chloe spoke, and asked for a Mountain Dew, Sophia immediately fixated all attention on her. The girl was very obviously trying her best not to look Sophia in the eyes, but that made her all the more suspicious. That was Kylie’s voice coming out of her mouth… wasn’t it? Sophi could barely see her face through a tossle of blonde locks, but she was sure that was her sister’s voice. That, and Kylie always drank that damn Mountain Dew. But Kylie’s hair was not that long and she was certainly not a blonde… “[i]I’m going crazy.[/i]” “[color=dodgerblue]Alright, one water, one Mountain Dew, and one strawberry milkshake delivered personally by the chef.[/color]” She bounced right back into her act and smiled back at the group, though she made a point to make eye contact with Wes the most. “[color=dodgerblue]I’ll be right back with those, and bring you two ladies a menu.[/color]” Turning, Sophia couldn’t help but wonder why Shelby had requested the chef to bring her a milkshake. Did Ron have some young admirer? She nearly laughed at the thought. Entering the kitchen again, Sophia called out, “[color=dodgerblue]Hey Ron, I think you got a little blondie after-[/color]” She paused when she noticed Riley tying his apron on. It suddenly hit her like a bag of bricks. Shelby was not looking for Ron, she was looking for Riley, and her name was not Shelby. It was Jenny. The one girlfriend of Riley’s that she had met, and only by accident. Ex-girlfriend, now. Sophia had never known exactly what happened between Riley and Jenny, but she knew that it hadn’t ended well. “[color=dodgerblue]Oh… Hi Riley.[/color]” She smiled, barely. “[color=dodgerblue]Can you take a peek out there? There’s a girl sitting with Wes Harmon, who requested that you take a strawberry milkshake to her personally.[/color]” Her facial expression could have told him that whatever he was about to see probably wasn’t going to please him. As he made his way towards the door, she decided to give him a small warning. “[color=dodgerblue]I… think that’s Jenny?[/color]” A twitch in Riley’s right eye happened simultaneously when Sophia mentioned his ex. Was it so hard to have a moment of peace without some insane bitch trying to stalk him (only referring to Jenny, not C.L.)? With a sigh, he decided to be the mature adult and give exceptional customer service, bringing the ‘pleasant’ guest her favorite type of drink, directly to her: [i]a strawberry milkshake[/i]. Or anything strawberry really. Looking through the kitchen window, he stared at the two blondes once more, with less perversion than his first glance, as his older sister told him the other drinks that were ordered. The tinier blonde was definitely, [i]definitely[/i] his ex. He would never forget her figure since they had plenty of opportunities to get close and intimate, but the other one… “[color=seagreen]Uh, help me with the drinks. You’re right, that’s Jenny. She called me this morning... Don’t get involved with crazy, sis.[/color]” Riley warned, with an expression of strain and frustration. Putting on his happy service face, he took the drinks that he and Sophia prepared (which was now on a tray) and left the kitchen. "[i]She called him this morning?[/i]" Sophia thought, following her brother out of the kitchen. "[i]Must've found out about Claire.[/i]" She split with Riley as he headed towards the table, Sophia heading for the host stand to grab menu's for the two prostitutes sitting with Wes. Surely Wesley could have had any gold digging girl ready and willing to sleep with him at the drop of a hat, why did he have to resort to hookers? Kylie sighed a breath of relief as Sophi walked away without calling her out. Beside her, Jenny snickered at her reaction. [color=mediumpurple]”See? I told you she wouldn’t notice. I bet none of them will.”[/color] Wes seemed quite intrigued by that though and swiftly got involved in their conversation. [color=steelblue]”Notice what? Am I missings somethin’ here?”[/color] he asked, a very confused expression on his face. [color=salmon]”That’s my sister, Sophi… They’ll kill me if they find out-”[/color] The purple haired man held up a hand, as if he understood what she meant. [color=steelblue]”Oh… Sheesh, Chloe, I didn’t realize yous Reeses were doing so poorly that’d you’d have to resort to [i]this[/i].”[/color] Kylie gave a bewildered glance to the blonde next to her, wondering if it was time to give up the act. Jenny just giggled and a put a finger to her lips. She obviously had own prerogative right now. Approaching the table with the man whose father was a billionaire in the small town of Millington, his overbearing ex, and someone Riley came to realize to be his twin with a new hairdo, the closer and closer he got to her. It also helped that she said Sophi’s name to clarify his doubts. He would play along, for a little bit. With his charming grin, he came to the table, “[color=seagreen]I was requested to deliver drinks to this table. Here we go…[/color]” Taking his time, he placed the drinks in front of each customer. When he put the mountain dew by Kylie, Riley’s blue orbs met her gaze but he kept on the customer service act. Holding the tray in his hands, he brought his attention to the Underboss, “[color=seagreen]I’m glad you came to the Diner, Wes. It’s a pleasure to have you here![/color]” The redhaired male patiently waited for a response. Kylie’s face went grim when her twin leered into her eyes, panic gripping her. She [I]knew[/i] that stare. Apparently her disguise was hardly a match for Riley’s intuition, or so she thought. Averting her gaze, she proceeded to look back out the window. Maybe, just maybe, he would second guess himself. Beside her, Jenny sucked on her shake’s straw quite seductively, batting her eyelashes at the redhead in front of her. Wes gave the chef a wave of his hand in acknowledgement. [color=steelblue]”Of course, of course. I tries my best to give back to local communities, you know?”[/color] With that he nonchalantly took a sip of his iced water, not expecting anything more. Slyly, Riley slipped in a question, “[color=seagreen]I knew you were cousins with Jenny, but how do you know my twin, if you mind me asking?[/color]” The Underboss’ head tilted at Riley’s question, as if he didn't understand. [color=steelblue]”Jenny? This is Shelby and Chloe. And your twin ain't here… you're a reddie. There's just blondes and me here. They're my… escorts for the day, you know.”[/color] he explained, attempting to help Ms. Chloe keep her cover. He honestly didn't think he had a cousin named Jenny anyway. His eyes floated over the two women in front of him, noticing that the taller blonde was not helping her case though. She was doing everything in her power to keep staring out that damn window. Shelby, on the other hand, seemed to have the hots for the chef, judging by those goo-goo eyes of hers. Sheesh… What the hell had his dad sent him? A nervous wreck and a slut who wanted to get with every guy she saw? As Sophia returned to the table she heard Riley mention both Jenny and..... his [i]twin[/i]?! "[color=dodgerblue]Kylie?![/color]" Sophia blurted, stepping up next to Riley at the table to get a closer look. Despite the new hair and a face caked with makeup, it was most definitely her little sister. "[color=dodgerblue]What the hell are you doing?! So this is how you owe so much money to the IRS? '[i]Accompanying[/i]' people?[/color]" She could hardly believe what she was seeing. Sure, the thought had crossed her mind earlier with James... but for it to become a reality?! Her sister [i]would not[/i] be selling her body! There was no way, no chance in hell that this would go on any longer. Especially not with Wesley-fucking-Harmon! The only problem being... it was apparently Wes' birthday... and she doubted Wes would have appreciated her yanking away one of his "toys" for the day. “[color=seagreen]WOAH-WOAH-WOAH!! Hold your horses, cowgirl. Our sister may dress a bit… promiscuous… but she isn’t a call girl. There’s gotta be some sort of misunderstanding.[/color]” He tapped on his twin’s shoulder, “[color=seagreen]Well, are you going to explain yourself? Or have everyone think you’re selling yourself?[/color]” Holding tight onto the tray, Riley’s blue gaze went toward Wes, as he apologized, “[color=seagreen]I’m sorry, man. My sister will not be accompanying you today...[/color]” This was not how Kylie had envisioned this going at all. Jenny had been so sure that no one would recognize her that she had lured herself into a false sense of security. Unfortunately, she now found herself being interrogated by Sophi and Riley, which did nothing but make her angry. Even if she were a prostitute, who were they to tell her what she could and could not do?! Infuriated, she slipped out of her seat and stood up for herself. [color=salmon]”No, Riley. Sophia is exactly fucking right. I get paid top dollar to screw every man in this town, like Mr. Harmon here. There isn’t a guy I haven’t fucked. Yeah. That’s right. Even [i]Ron[/i]. Why do you think I turn the volume up so loud at night? So you won’t hear me sneak out.”[/color] she seethed, her words dripping venom. Jenny appeared quite amused at the situation, absolutely loving this newfound anger of Kylie’s. She hadn’t guessed that the Reese twin would go so far with the act. Directly across from her, Wes was absolutely shocked by the spectacle, but he did nothing to intervene. After all, a show of family drama was [i]always[/i] better than getting laid. So he simply sat there, hazel orbs glued on the scene. A dark aura fell over the male twin as his sister rambled on about her ‘job’. Placing the tray down, he clenched his fists but stood completely silent. There was a fifty/fifty chance this was a hoax. The ‘Ron’ part made him doubt the entire thing. Outside of his friend pool, Ron was Riley’s bro and a family man, he would not touch Kylie even if he mentally wanted to. Shifting his stare from his twin to Sophia, Riley’s fists relaxed. Sliding into his right pocket, he grabbed ahold of something that’s been residing in his pant’s for quite sometime. [i]The flash drive[/i]. With a low voice and a deadpan expression, he muttered, “[color=seagreen]If that’s the case… you wouldn’t mind us…[/color]” He gestured to him, Sophia (and possibly James), “[color=seagreen]To look at these folders that have your clients on them, would you?[/color]” He pulled out the flashdrive and dangled it over his twin’s head. With that, he grabbed Sophia’s arm and dismissed himself, “[color=seagreen]We’ll be back, Wes. We have matters to attend to.[/color]” His destination now was the office where James and Sophia did their paperwork. "[i]Clients?[/i]" Sophia thought, looking at the flashdrive Riley dangled in the air out of Kylie's reach. As Riley grabbed her arm and dragged her away from the table, Sophia glanced back at Kylie. Her face appeared mortified, which seemed to confirm the fact that she had a whole flash drive of clients. "[color=dodgerblue]James,[/color]" Sophia called out to her brother on the other side of the floor. "[color=dodgerblue]Office. Please.[/color]" She would have been surprised if James hadn't heard Sophia going off about Kylie just seconds ago. "[color=dodgerblue]Riley, I'm not sure I want to see a bunch of dirty pictures of my sister with her... 'clients'[/color]" She whispered to him as they entered the kitchen, frowning. "[color=dodgerblue]I already want to vomit.[/color]" [sub][@Saint Girralo][@Themerlinhawk][/sub]