[hr][h1][i]After the Disaster...[/i][/h1][hr][hider=Silversun Pickups - Ragamuffin][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqsA9uGHSHw[/youtube][/hider][hr] Molly Schuler, standing in front of a camera crew, wearing a dirty and tattered suit as she prepared for her last news report. [i]"Hello, this is Reporter Molly Schuler, giving her last news report. It's been a few days since the worst Metahuman disaster recorded in history. It's been three painful days of being trapped in with the Devil of Verthaven - a Metahuman wielding catastrophic power - and the damage and loss of life is incredible. It was only due to the bravery of NEST's finest, and their volunteers, that the Devil has been killed, and NEST's secret Shield of Light has been deactivated. Government aid has come in, and the survivors are being tended to in a special disaster relief center set up over the course of the night." "However, NEST, and the governor of California, are collectively facing the [i]biggest[/i] PR disaster the organization has ever faced. As [i]millions[/i] are showing outrage because NEST have left the people of Verthaven to die. Even other nations are coming in to criticize NEST for their decision to active the Shield of Light rather than taking further steps to eliminate the Devil. As it stands... public opinion of NEST is at an all-time low." "Furthermore, upon hearing of what happened with the Devil, and the Changeling Unit, Metahuman hysteria has reached an all time high. With riots running wild in Black Fall, and hate crimes against Metahumans are rising at an alarming rate." "Back to Verthaven, the Government has a major announcement."[/i] Molly Schuler shifted her weight, and took in a deep breath as she prepared for this. "[i]Verthaven has officially been condemned.[/i]" "[i]That's right[/i]. Volunteers are coming through the wreckages looking for any other survivors. Whom will be tended to - before the doors of Verthaven will be closed for good. It has been decided the damage and loss of life was too extensive to consider rebuilding the city. The city's former inhabitants will be relocated to neighboring cities." "And finally, it has been announced that a graveyard will be created outside of Verthaven to commemorate this tragedy. Every person who has fallen will get a grave... regardless of whether or not they can be identified." "That is Molly Schuler with the last news report to ever come out of Verthaven."[/i] [Hr] "...Yeah, that's him." Quentin stiffly nodded as his uncle's face looked back at him, lifelessly. The paramedic quickly filled in the tag around the old man's toe and zipped up the body bag, before moving onto the next. There were rows of them, some tagged - but more were unidentified for one reason or another. He couldn't fathom how many there were, nor did he think it mattered any more... just that this was over. "Miss you, old man." Quentin wiped away a tear with his palm, before turning back towards the park. [I]At least the old man could have a peaceful retirement[/i], he mused. If reports were true, this city was going to be condemned. That surprised him a little - if only for the fact that rehoming the thousands that called this place home could be as costly as repairing the damage, but then at least the government could sweep this whole mess under the rug. [I]Their mess[/i]. That's what Cass would've said. It didn't bother him so much. He'd never spent much time in that condo, he was usually out most of the time. His car was a twisted wreck sitting under a pile of rubble, but again he could replace that. The things that mattered to him... he had them, or would soon enough. He could leave Verthaven and he'd have been content. But first, there was something else he needed to do... [hr][i][h1][color=Gray]Quentin[/color], & [color=darkslateblue]Reed[/color] [color=Gray]Tay[/color][color=Darkslateblue]lor[/color][/h1][/i][hr] Just another loose end to tie up. Quentin wasn't one to shy away from facing it. He'd been involved in a dirty business and had something to show for it, something which he had no intention of wasting. Not after all the shit they'd been through. He fumbled through one of his pockets, where he'd stuck his keys. [I]There they are.[/i] It felt strange, in all honesty. The stairwell leading upwards was the same as before, save for the uncollected garbage bag left outside and when he reached the door, twisting the key was the same as it was. On habit, Quentin kept a tight grip on his 92FS as he stepped inside his condo. First thing, he peeked inside to see if anyone - or anything - had found their way in. Everything was as he left it, things turned out. On the kitchen table were a few empty bottles from the night before they'd headed out on that op against REAPER, he'd left and meant to clear things up later but hadn't. Heading further inside, he found the main room unmolested and intact, save for a crack along one of the windows where something had slammed against it hard. [I]Probably one of those things,[/i] he'd mused, though a part of him expected to find Heartbreaker stood behind him, cackling like that bitch had all those months ago. Quentin turned around, pistol in hand. Nobody else was here, it seemed. [I]Watching for ghosts.[/i] Were it not for the fact that the power was at straining point citywide, he'd have probably switched something on by now. Though even if that wasn't the case, a light in the darkness outside probably would've drawn unwanted attention, so instead he drew out a torch and shone it across the room. A photo resting on the mantle quickly caught his eye as it reflected off the light. [I]Mom.[/i] It was one of the only decent photos of her that he had, from before she'd had him and Reed. She looked happier and healthy here. All the others, you could see where the booze and the meds had taken their toll. Picking it up, he set the photo on the kitchen table and made a mental note to pick it up on the way out. First things first, he headed to his room and took a knee beside the bed, reaching under to pull out an empty dufflebag. Then, he turned back and headed downstairs to the garage with a few of the filing cabinets pushed up against the wall with his bike resting against one - and quickly pulled aside one of the filing cabinets to reveal a vent cover. Digging inside his pocket, Quentin withdrew a screwdriver and set to work on taking off the cover and, once he was done, stuck an arm deep inside and felt around. The faint rustle of plastic helped him find what he'd been looking for. Tugging, he eventually withdrew an opaque bag with a blocky form. Unfastening it, Quentin peeked inside it make sure it was all there. Dollar bills. A lot of them. Valued in the sextuple digits, to be exact. All of it from that dirty business of his, what'd led to all this. It had to count for something. Tightening the plastic bag up, he dropped inside the dufflebag and zipped it up, before slinging it on over his shoulder. Shifting back towards the steps, he was about to make his ascent when he heard a voice. "Quent?" Reed echoed it once more as he stepped inside his brother's condo, hand resting on his holstered pistol. "Here," Quentin answered as he stepped back through the door, "You followed me?" "Wanted to make sure you were good." "Had something I needed to do." Quentin answered morosely, "I'm sorry about what happened to Jen," he glanced towards his younger brother. "You knew her too, right?" "Yeah." Reed had almost lost an arm trying to protect her from one of those monsters. Their uncle had pulled her out of a smoldering wreck and carried her to safety. On a few occasions the Taylors had covered her escape, or her friends. If that didn't count for knowing her, even by a small margin, nothing would. Both had also found out what had happened to her family, too. Quentin in particular had nearly exploded in rage at hearing how they'd dumped the bodies of her family right in front of her, Heartbreaker's own threats against [i]his[/i] family echoing clearly in his mind. He was glad he'd finished that bitch off. [I]For Jen, Cass and Sonya.[/i] At that moment, Reed's gaze shifted towards the dufflebag slung over his brother's shoulder. Brow arched, he asked, "What's in the bag?" He was met with a reluctant silence. "You don't trust me? Fine-" "You wanted to know what I did?" Quentin cut him off, setting the dufflebag on the floor and unzipping it to reveal contents. "This, all this is what I've got to show for it." Reed's eyes widened at the sight of the dollar bills, before his lip curled with disdain at just [i]how[/i] his brother had come across that amount of cash. "But I thought you weren't a hustle-" "No, never. You know me, I'd never do that." "Then.. what?" "Used to work security for a few types. The usual idiots, working the details on their clubs and bars, businesses - you get the picture. Eventually, however, I had ambitions of my own. Wanted more out of life, not sitting in some projects anesthetizing myself on booze and meds like Mom did. I thought, I dunno, maybe I could do something for myself. And you, I wanted to leave you and Cass with something one day..." "Remember how Cass pulled me away from those punks down at Eagle Rock Row? Long time ago, back when it was just [i]me[/i] helping to pay for our bills whilst Mom drank herself to death. One day, I was passing a package to some meta' gangbanger. My hand touched his and then... the package went up in flames, my fingertips were glowing. That's how I figured out I could take powers." "But what you didn't know was that I could also give them away. Gangbangers wanted to use me for that, saw me as easy money - until Cass put a gun to one asshole's head about a week after Mom died and told him that if he saw any of them near me, he'd forget he wore a badge." "That was Cass," Reed thinly smiled, "Like I've always said, he looked out for us more than Mom ever did." "...Yeah. I know." Quentin nodded, sullenly. "But, anyways... years later, I decided [i]I[/i] wanted control over things. Like I said. Spent my time working security in clubs, bars, businesses - all that as an opportunity to make contact with other people with powers. Then, I sold them." "Jesus, Quent.." "Yeah, I know. Like I said, I've changed a lot since then - I was selfish. Even more selfish was what I did right before I wound up with NEST." "You mean when you disappeared?" "That bitch, Heartbreaker - she and a few other heavies caught me and knocked me out. Next thing I knew, I was in some kind of lab. The same kind run by the Hands, [i]those[/i] assholes. And they wanted me for what I could do, taking powers and giving them away. You get the picture yet? Used me for their experiments. Those fuckers, they.. I told them to go fuck themselves and they said they'd bring you and Cass into it, run their tests on [i]you[/i]." Quentin looked his brother in ths eye as he continued. "I couldn't do that, didn't want to... so I co-operated with those bastards. It wasn't just anyone they brought in, kids - barely older than Mei or Jen or the same age. I watched as those fuckers cut them apart and tested their shit on them and didn't do anything about it but go along with it, and for that I know I've got a lot of atoning to do. "If I'd known... I'm sorry, Quent." Reed's initial apprehension was replaced with sympathy for what his brother had been through. "Anyway," Quentin broke the long pause that followed, "You still think this is worth throwing away?" Reed gave his answer. [hr][i][h1][color=dodgerblue]Lihua[/color], [color=red]Meifeng[/color], [color=springgreen]Cindy[/color], [color=Yellow]Mika[/color], [color=Gray]Quentin[/color] & [color=DarkSlateBlue]Reed[/color] [color=Gray]Tay[/color][color=DarkSlateBlue]lor[/color], [color=salmon]Haruka[/color] [color=cornflowerblue]Shizuka[/color], & Daphne Hope[/h1].[/i][hr] Meifeng drank from a bottle of water. She hadn't changed her clothes since that shitstorm. Well, it wasn't like she could get some clothes from anywhere. She reached onto a table and grabbed another bottle of water and turned away. Meifeng sighed as she stepped through the crowds of people in the relief center. She needed to get back really quickly. She stepped inside the special NEST tent, where Cindy, Lihua (With Lijuan in her arms), and Mika were sitting, along with Washe and Grit, discussing matters with Lihua about where everything would go from here. Daphne and Haruka followed in behind her, chatting animatedly about having the agent to move in with them to a new place together, with a brooding Shizuka bringing up the rear, his hands in his pockets. They took a seat on the other side of the tent. Lihua and the two girls turned their heads back over to Meifeng. "Yo..." Meifeng trailed off as she walked over to Cindy. She presented the bottle to her friend. "I got it for you, just as I said." "Oh, thanks..." Cindy trailed off, and opened the top and drank from the bottle - before she stopped. She couldn't really get that damn white boy out of her mind. She put the bottle down, and sighed. "What's wrong?" Meifeng asked. "Just..." Cindy trailed off. "I can't believe all of this happened... Trevor, Jen... and a lot of others... I just can't get over the fact I'll never see them again." At that moment, Quentin stepped inside, hauling a large black dufflebag over his shoulder. His gaze passed over all of them for a moment, before finally he spoke up, "I need to speak with you kids for a minute." Setting the bag on a table in the center of the tent, he tugged on the zip and unfastened it, revealing its contents to them: [I]Dollar bills, valued in the hundreds of thousands. Over a million in cash[/i]. "Take what you need. I know they're condemning this place and after all this shit, I know it might help you find another place when all this shit is done... so just [i]take it.[/i]" This is what Cass would've wanted, he decided. "Oh shit." Cindy said out of sheer surprise. She looked at the money, and almost crawled over to it. "We can just have all this money?" It felt like she was in one of those reality shows. Meifeng was about to hop over there and take the money, but she stopped and looked at Lihua. Who merely shrugged. "Go ahead." Lihua said. "It's about time I start letting you make your own decisions...." Her lips upwards into a grin. "You're a grown woman now - all of this proves it." Meifeng and Cindy nodded at each other and quickly reached inside, and each took a hand full. They formed a large pile, and split it down the middle. "I have no need for this money." Lihua answered. "I have... some savings of my own throughout the years. And a wealthy brother." "Speaking of which, where is my father?" Mika asked. "I don't know - but he should be around here somewhere...." Lihua crossed her legs. "If he doesn't show up soon, I'm going to track his overpaid ass down and shove my foot up it." Washe turned his head at the sound of the duffelbag's impact, watching as Quentin unzipped the bag, and then his eyes almost seemed to bulge out of his head. Seeing Washe's reaction, Grit turned around to see and gave the same sort of reaction. Except Grit was actually left speechless by all the money in one bag. "Where'd you get that sort o' cash, son?" Washe pried suspiciously. Haruka and Daphne stopped talking, distracted by the commotion in the center of the tent. Shizuka stood up so as to see better, his curiosity got the better of him. "Savings. Never trusted banks." Quentin shot him down, paying no mind to how bullshit it sounded. Washe just stood there gobsmacked. Savings? Savings?! No fucking way. This kid had to have gone and loot some of places around here. Where did he even find the time to... no. You know what? Not his problem anymore. Washe shook his head and buried his face into his hands. "Ugh..." He bemoaned. "That's it. I'm retiring. I've finally had enough of this. I'm gonna kick it back, nice and cozy in my little chair in Texas, and spray girl scouts with a big ol' waterin' hose if they even think of walking on my property to sell me their damn snacks." "Does it matter anymore?" Quentin asked him, brow arched. "You lost my meanin', kid." Washe replied. "This is nothin' to do with you, this is a decision I've been making for five years. I'm getting too old for all this war and terrorism n' bullshit." Grit looked at the man somewhat surprised. Washe has been in the military scene right out of school, then worked with the Dreadnaughts. He knew that, eventually, pops would retire. But it felt surreal to see him finally say goodbye to it all. "On that, we can agree on." Lihua said to Washe. She was beginning to have similar sentiments. Just a fatigue with it all. "Thank you for your generosity, but we do not need the money," Haruka declined politely. "After all, our parents---" "Shut up, Haru," Shizuka cut his brother off. "It's your own business if you don't want any, but I'm gonna need some." He stepped forward and grabbed an arm-full. He went back and slammed them down beside his shocked twin (earning an amused look from Daphne); then he broke off a wad from the topmost bundle and walked over to Cindy. "Can't remember how much left I'm still owing you for your scooter, but this should be enough to fully settle the debt." "Boy," Cindy said, giving him a look. "Do you think I give a shit about that stupid debt anymore? Keep your money." "Well...I don't like to owe people anything. To be in people's debt." He shrugged awkwardly. "It's cool, it's cool." Cindy replied. "There should be enough money here to buy me the [i]best[/i] scooter." "Speakin' of which," Meifeng chimed in, turning her head over to Shizuka and Haruka. "What will happen to you and your brother?" "Actually," Lihua chimed in as well. "You can ask everyone that at this point..." All of it made Quentin smile. These kids, Cass would have been happy to see them alive and safe. And, judging by what they'd taken from the bag, they'd be well-off. There was still a sum left though - but he had plans for that. Someone else stepped into tent, and earned the looks of everyone. "Hello, hello, everyone..." The man that Lihua, Mika, and Meifeng recognized as Jiao-Long Baozai entered the tent. He was a very tall Chinese man, wearing a black suit with a lab coat - his wife, Chunhua, stood at his side. "Am I in the right tent?" He asked with a smile. "Father..." Mika said with a smile as she ran over to him, and gave him a hug. Tears began to run down her eyes. Lihua stood straight up, and walked over to her brother with Lijuan in her arms. "Brother," She said to him. "Lihua... It is great to see that you made it out with my nieces." Jiao-Long cordially said with a smile. "And you held up your promise, too." He patted Mika on the head. "Yes..." Lihua said. "I am very ashamed that I had to leave... I wish I could have done more to help." Jiao-Long shook his head in shame. "But, all I could really do was advocate for NEST to drop the shield to let everyone free." Lihua sighed. "You did the best you could, brother." It was funny, a few days ago she had called Jiao-Long the king of the fools. Now she can't muster the energy to really hate him anymore. "However," Jiao-Long said, raising a finger up into the air. "That isn't to say that I can't help with the aftermath." He loudly cleared his throat to catch the attention of everyone. "I, Jiao-Long Baozai, will be assisting in the funding the relocation of Verthaven's refugees." He shook his head. "It just feels like my responsibility after everything that happened here." "How noble of you." Lihua said, without a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Noblesse oblige isn't dead after all." Jiao-Long nodded his head. "It was great to see you, sister... but I think it's time that I get Mika out of here." "Wait-" Lihua said. It pained her a little bit to say this, but she looked down at Lijuan. "... Can you take Lijuan with you?" She asked him. "Me and Meifeng still have business in Verthaven, and it's best that she stays with you for now." "Oh?" Jiao-Long said. "I'll gladly take." He took the infant into his arms, and nodded his head. "I'll be off then. See you later, sister." He stepped out of the tent, and Mika, and Chunhua, followed after him. "You know..." Meifeng said to Lihua as she stood at her side. "... A few days ago, you looked like you were ready to bite that head of his off just for suggesting that me and Lijuan goes back to Black Fall with him." Lihua sighed. "... I realized I should have accepted that offer while I had the chance." She mused. "Could have saved the two of you from witnessing this neverending maelstrom of death and destruction." Meifeng shrugged. "But it is what it is." "Either way, I think it's time that I get to work." Lihua said. "This [i]is[/i] my last day, after all...." "Oh?" Meifeng said, honestly surprised to hear the words as she picked up on what Lihua meant. Lihua sighed as she stepped out of the tent. Meifeng nodded as she simply just sat back down on her chair, and wondered where she was going to go next. Well. She took a look around the room. At least she's with friends. Long as she has them, then everything's going to be alright. Just when everyone thought that people were done coming into their little tent, Dana Alcott rolled her way into the tent. "Cindy," Dana called out to her. Cindy's heart started racing as she jumped up to her feet and ran over to Dana - leaving her share of Quentin's money behind. "[i]Please,[/i] tell me you found him." She had requested that Dana goes out to find Jackson, her father. Praying to whatever God would listen that he was alive. "Well...." Dana awkwardly looked off to the side as she played with her fingers. "... It's best that you just come with me to see." That didn't paint a good image in Cindy's mind. She only nodded her head as she followed Dana out of the tent. "Say, what's your plan?" Quentin shot Meifeng the question with an arched brow. "Well..." Meifeng curled her legs up to her body, and shrugged. "... Just follow my mom where ever she goes. I don't know at this point...." She looked off to the side. "Join NEST?" Quentin suggested. "NEST no longer has a future." Washe interjected. "Not after this. They will likely be disbanded and be replaced by another organisation." "Then whatever organisation crops up. There's a market out there for people like us." "I don't know.... I wanted to join them for so long, but, after all of this... I'm not sure." Meifeng said. "The fatal flaw was that NEST was designed to be a specialized combative branch of government, when it should have been a socialized program." Washe insisted. "Regulating people according to genetics is a shadow of the Nazi party. If NEST was there to instead provide care and education to folks like the Changelings when they were still bitties..." "Probably right there," Quentin shrugged. "I don't doubt there'll be a major reshuffle of things. Mr. Cornell is probably going to be our new Director, or head of whatever they throw up in NEST's place." Meifeng didn't have a damn clue about the NEST politics. Shizuka tried not to listen to the ongoing debate about NEST's future - what was there to hear about anyway? It's the same ol' politics shit like any other organizations, any other government in the world... But he couldn't, because he had to entertain Haruka's questions. "Well... Agent Vuhong's relative - that Chinese man just now - said he had offered to relocate all of us... I don't know why, but it still feels surreal. Like the future is filled with so much uncertainties..." "[i]Jiao-Long,[/i]" Meifeng added. "He's my uncle... Mika's father. A really nice guy - but my mom fights with him like cats and dogs." "Um, yeah, sorry." Haruka raised an eyebrow at Meifeng's sudden intrusion - he knew nothing about her family to make any response back to her. "Anyway, as I was saying: I feel scared, I am paranoid of whatever that might happen to us, to everyone - to the whole world - from hereon." Shizuka was also staring at Meifeng; he was more amused at the part about the Vuhong woman's relationship with her brother. It felt like a deja vu of his own relationship with his twin. Washe looked around with his hands on his hips. "Well, with that out of the way... we're gonna see what's keeping Baron. There's still a couple of them left out there, so keep your ears peeled." Grit nodded in agreement. With that, Washe also walked out of the tent. Grit began trailing closely behind, but paused for a moment to turn around and look at Meifeng. "My old man," he said with a grin, nudging toward Washe, "quite the character inn'he?" "Pretty loud, too." Meifeng said with a grin. "He's alright once ya get to know 'im." Grit assured after a short laugh. "Gotta weird way of showin' his affection." Grit paused a moment, realizing they never formally introduced. "My name's Daniel, G.W.. W stands for Washe. I go by Danny or Grit. " "Meifeng Vuhong." Meifeng answered with her own name. "It was great to meet you." She somberly said, realizing she'll probably never see this man again. "Take care." He finally said to her, leaving behind a brief wink before leaving with all the stuff he brought on his back to catch up with his father. He sighed. "As I've said, this is only just the beginning. The Devil incident is merely a terribad prologue to something far bigger, far worse than we can ever imagine." "What do you mean?" "That bloodsucker won't be the last and only one who will try that Godhood bullshit." He narrowed his eyes when he recalled Luis' final moment. "And you bet there will be another monster more devastating than the Devil out there...somewhere." "[i]'Even with my death, there are others who share my dream of a perfect world... and they will continue where I left off.'[/i]" Meifeng parroted each disturbing word that Luis said - as Luis' name was burned into the back of her skull. She raised a finger up into the air as she looked at the twins. "[i]That[/i] implies there's more like him." Meifeng said. "I don't know if someone [i]can[/i] become a God, but we gotta stop them either way." She sighed. "Not to mention the Mannequin and the rest of those bastards are still out there," Meifeng started off, somberly. "And who knows whether or not they're the type that'd want revenge." "If they do, they'll definitely come after me first." Shizuka shook his head. "I hit a big score on the top two Changelings with some surprise stunts - no one is going to take my lil' ghostly tricks with much grace on top of all the pain and humiliation, yeah." "... Or they'll come after me for being the one who put the bullet in Luis' head." Meifeng added. "God damn it... it feels like this bullshit will never come to an end. First lose Jen, then I lose Trevor... and it shows no sign of ever stopping." Tears started rolling down Meifeng's cheeks. Shizuka froze when Meifeng started crying in front of him. Jeez, he had no idea how to handle wailing girls without making it worse. While he looked away and rubbed the back of his neck in attempt to hide his awkwardness, Haruka placed a gentle hand on her arm. "I feel saddened about what happened to them too... They had to leave before I could get to know them better, before we could actually become friends... Why them? Why did everything have to happen like this?" "The good die young... while tyrants like Luis get free reign to do whatever they please just because they feel like they have the power to." Meifeng somberly muttered. "I just wish... I just wish I'd get the ability to make a difference. To make them stop..." "Doesn't matter what powers we can get," Shizuka said. "If you can't control that power and let it controls you, there's a high chance you might end up like the Devil - drowned in that uncontrollable power and dragging all of us down with her." He quoted Daphne's words: "[i]'Even if we, the Metahumans, are blessed with superpowers, that doesn't equate our existence to that of a God - we are ultimately still no different from a human being, just a little more special.'[/i] "No matter what powers we have, or how powerful these powers make us, we're still [i]homo sapiens[/i]. And we all come with a brain, Meta or not. So instead of relying on raw power, why not use our head to take advantage of what we already have?" Meifeng realized that Shizuka was right. Despite what she thought of him previously, he had some wisdom to him. Power can't solve everything - and in the end, regardless of what abilities you have, everyone's a human being. Maybe. She never wanted to lose another person ever again. "You're right...." Meifeng somberly agreed. "I don't ever want to lose anyone ever again... but what's it worth if I lose [i]myself[/i] in the process?" "We all feel the same way as you do." Shizuka placed a hand on her shoulder (which felt a bit weird since she's taller than him). "No one wants to see the most important people leaving their side without a proper goodbye, or to see their loved one being turned into a monster. All we can do is to support each other continuously, and work together to prevent such tragedies from repeating again." Seeing the look on Haruka's face made the younger twin go, "What?" "Well... It's going to take me some time to get used to this side of you." In which Haruka earned a glower from his brother. "I came to a decision," Meifeng said as she stood straight up. "I don't know, or [i]care[/i] if NEST is going to keep going on, or if it'll fall apart and gets replaced - [i]I'm joining it.[/i]" The twins exchanged looks. "That's a good idea - you will be able to reach out and help more people if you join such security-related organizations," Haruka said, a small smile on his face. This girl might seem rough on the outside, but had such strong sense of justice. Shizuka, however, wasn't as idealistic as the two. "Your sense of righteousness is truly admirable - at a level I can never reach - but this world isn't as kind as you'd think. One day...we'll reach the point where the line between justice and self-preservation is so blurred than it's hard to tell what's right from wrong, and vice versa." "I am aware..." Meifeng trailed off. "I was given this speech by Lihua a thousand times over." "Like you'd know, kid." Quentin spoke up once again, sarcasm lacing his tone. "Whatever. You did good earlier, putting a blade in that Spanish fucker's skull like that. If that isn't righteous, I don't know what is." Shizuka said nothing and merely shrugged in response. Haruka punched his twin's shoulder. "You should be more honest with yourself, dumb brother." "Regardless," Meifeng said. "Whatever the hell the future holds, I'm going to be apart of it. As my own woman....'" She nodded her head. Meifeng finally realized that Lihua was starting to acknowledge her as an adult. "Now, I'm going to get a breath of fresh air...." Meifeng stepped out of the tent, and was hit with the fresh summer breeze. [i]Whoever I wanted to be, I already am.[/i] [hr][i][h1][color=dodgerblue]Lihua Vuhong[/color], & Task Force RAVEN[/h1].[/i][hr] "Have all the explosive devices been disabled?" Lihua asked. "We're working on it, ma'am." "There ain't no hostiles in there, so hey, we got ourselves all the time in the world." Leon chimed. "Agent Vahan...." Lihua hissed. "The last bomb's been disabled." The NEST Bomb disposal Agent said. "Alright, all Agents, push in." Maximilian answered. "Secure the building!" From both sides of the warehouse, NEST Agents kicked down the doors, and started charging in, guns drawn. Their flashlights shined a light on the hellish building that was used as a hideout for the Changeling Unit. Thanks to the chips they had implanted within Heartbreaker, they managed to find this place a lot sooner than expected. Despite the Changelings being dead, they were prepared for everything. Since the Changelings were the most unpredictable of their enemies, they couldn't take any chances. The first sight they were met with were pools of dried blood. They scanned the area, before they caught sights of a little girl tied to a table by ropes. She was the one that the Changelings tortured for their [i]trials[/i]. "Secure her and get her out of here!" Maximilian pointed and the Agents went into action, and dragged her out of the hellhouse that was the Changeling Unit's hideaway. It wasn't long until NEST Agents were already all over the building... and they recovered the rotting body of Alice Shepard, and many others. Lihua stepped through the doors of the building, hips swaying, and her hand close to her gun. It was time for her to investigate this hellhole. She stepped through what had to be the Changeling's armory. Jesus... they had enough firepower here to start a small war. They must have been stockpiling, buying weapons from other nations. She walked up to an assault rifle, and examined it. It looked old, worn.... it definitely seen some action somewhere. She put the gun back, and continued combing through the Changeling arsenal. She was hoping to find [i]something[/i] to connect the Changelings to some sort of supplier, or anything that'd give her leads to their contacts. They needed to be wiped out regardless... It became apparent that the Changelings were good at defending their contacts. Other than the Hands, that is. Lihua scrolled into another room, one with a bed. She looked around, and saw bloodied knives hung up on the wall. [i]Luis[/i]. She thought to herself. This was that maniac's room especially. He had brought his collection with him... looks like the entire Changeling Unit was ready to clean house in Verthaven. Every little thing they owned were going in a NEST storage. However, Lihua wanted to search for more. She first went over to Luis' bed, putting her hands on his bed. Feeling around for something. There wasn't anything in the pillows or bed sheets... She pressed down a little bit more and felt [i]something[/i] inside the bed itself. Producing a knife, Lihua gently cut the bed open. She stuck her hands inside, digging for the object, and it was revealed that it was a book. A dirty. Tattered. Book. Ugh. Filthy thing looks centuries old. Which would make sense given how old Luis is. Curiosity got the better of Lihua as she opened the book and gave it a look. The words were still perfectly capable of being read. It was... a diary of some sort. Luis' diary. It had [i]everything[/i] he knew. This was interesting, as it'd give Lihua an insight on the centuries Metahuman were nothing but a myth. Ambiguity. Ashe was reading it, her jaw dropped. This can [i]not[/i] get out into the public. Lihua slid the book into her armor. Hiding it close to her as she stepped out of the building. This is something she's going to keep to herself... [hr][i][h1][color=springgreen]Cindy Gabrielle Keagan[/color][/h1][/i][hr][hider=Psychonauts OST - Agent Cruller's Sacred Hall][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t8iOzbL-mY[/youtube][/hider][hr] Dana lead Cindy into the medical tents, specifically leading her to a tent that'd become special to her. Pulling aside the curtain, Cindy stepped inside, and immediately gasped, cupping her mouth with both hands. Dana rolled out of the room. She had work to do, and it was better if Cindy does this on her own. "[i]Daddy![/i]" Cindy shouted. There Jackson Keagan was. Lying down on a hospital bed. Covered in all sorts of bloodied bandages implying that he had been attacked. The machine attached to him didn't exactly bode well for him either. There was an oxygen mask over his face. Cindy knew that he looked like shit - and it hurts so much. Jackson turned his head to Cindy, and smiled. "Ba... baby girl," Jackson started off, he sounded very weak. "You made it... I thought I'd lie here dying without ever knowin' that my baby girl made it out of this alive." He laughed for a moment. "Daddy... wha... what happened to you?!" Cindy said, as she ran over to him, and put her hands on his chest. "You see, I wa... I was with some of my old Red Crown friends when that big thing rolled up downtown. It sent some of it's monsters at us, and we tried to get away... but...." Jackson started coughing. "... A group of 'em tore us up. They mobbed me, and I honestly thought I was gonna die then and there...." Tears started welling up in Cindy's eyes. "But, I was saved in the nick of time by some girl... Metahuman, yeah...." Jackson hoarsely said. "... Didn't quite catch her name, but she looked a little familiar. Yeah, she dragged me off, and got me some medical attention... then the shield came down, and here we are. I'm looking at my baby girl again...." "What... Daddy...." Cindy said, confused. "... What are we going to do?" "That's what I wanted to talk to you about - and I know it's gonna be hard, but look at me, Baby Girl." Jackson said. "My spine's been broken from the neck down, - I can't even move my arms - my organs are all damaged, and... it's going to cost a fortune just to keep me alive." He stared Cindy dead in the eye. "Without your mother, you're going have to jump through hoops just to pay for it... And That ain't fair to you." Jackson shook his head. "Not one bit. Look, baby-girl, you're strong. You survived all of this, you fought those monsters... [i]you don't need me anymore.[/i]" He simply said. "And more importantly, you sure as hell don't need me holding you back." Jackson said with a smile on his face as a faint tear rolled down his cheek. "You're no longer a baby-girl, you're a big girl; and you've made me and your mother proud." "Daddy...." Cindy trailed off as tears started rolling down her eyes. "Go on... pull the cord on these machines hooked up to me." Jackson said. "I can't live like this, and you shouldn't have to worry about keeping me alive..." "Daddy..." Cindy repeated herself as she started crying harder than before. "No, no, no, baby girl, don't cry." Jackson reassured her. "I know this is hard... but I want you to know, that I love you with all my heart. Go on, be your [i]own[/i] woman. Every cent I have left, it's goin' to [i]you[/i]." This was the hardest decision of her life. Does Cindy just [i]live[/i] with her father's condition and hold herself back just like he said she would? Or does she let go of the only family she has left? She didn't know the answer to her question, but it was so [i]hard[/i] seeing Jackson like this. Her father, a proud man who had a love for music, and only wanted the best for Cindy, reduced to a useless vegetable on a bed. Is she cruel enough to confine him to this fate? No. She wasn't going to be selfish. Jackson's willing to give his life so Cindy can move on unhindered. Every step Cindy took towards that ICU machine, guilt, grief, and other emotions were overcoming her. She put her hand on the plug, and her hand was practically shaking. [i]Maybe I can turn back... Yeah, I can get a nice job somewhere and support him... I can do it. I'll get married, show him his grandkids....[/i] "... You're doing the right thing, baby-girl." Jackson said, as he silently made peace with himself. At that point, tears had started to soak Cindy's shirt. She can do this. She can't delude herself anymore with pretty thoughts. This was the real world. Cindy pulled the plug, and all of Jackson's machinery turned off. She figured that she would go over to Jackson so he'd have a chance to see her one last time.... "You did good..." Jackson said as his life slowly faded. "Don't worry... your mother and I are going to be looking down on you from Heaven...." Jackson died. Cindy loudly sobbed into his lifeless body for what felt like hours.