[h1]Deven Zoria[/h1] With adrenaline pumping through his veins Deven rushed toward the beast and swung his blade hoping to make contact with what he was thinking was the beast. Then he felt it, the moment his blade made contact, cutting into flesh that rapidly appeared before him. The beast howled as it's hulking form came into view. It was much like the other one, black and white fur. But unlike the other this one was much larger even on all fours the beast came up to about half his size. It's two muscular long arms flexed as it dug it's nails into the soft dirt below and reacted to his strike. Blood rushed out of the wound on the beast's back coating the edge of Deven's blade in crimson. Quickly the beast turned about and faced him down snarling menacingly as it addressed it's new foe. It was an intimidating sight, this beast glaring him down flashing it's teeth that were set in a jaw strong enough to crush bones. Deven's grip tightened on his blade and silently he thanked his stars for having decided to travel with his armor on. Keeping his blade at the ready he stared the beast down as he waited for it's move. The way the beast moved, one thing was made very clear it was fast despite it's larger size he'd have to keep his reactions quick and precise. He had his armor and he could abuse that fact and he had no doubt he would abuse that fact several times before this beast either dies or flees wether he wanted to or not. Once the beast finished eyeing finished eyeing him it made it's move. Not surprisingly it went for an attack on his legs, if it could get him on his back it would have a distinct advantage over him, but that went without saying. Intent on keeping that from happening Deven swung his blade for the beasts head but he misjudged this creature and it's intelligence. As his swing came in the beast pulled it's head back dodging the blow and rushed forward this time aiming for the wrist of his right arm. Deven silently cursed to himself as his blade cut through empty air and he tried to pull his hand back but it was already too late, the beast's mouth closed around his wrist and bit down. Thankfully though the beast ended up biting into his forearm instead of his wrist and was met with the steel of his armor. Deven could feel the immense pressure the bit put on his forearm through the armor and it caused an uneasy feeling to spread through his stomach, he hadn't been wrong about these jaws and he needed to do something to free himself before his armor began gave out. Releasing his grip on his blade with his right hand he transferred the full weight of his blade to his left hand. Pulling the hilt back he pointed the tip of his blade for the beast's neck or collar bone and thrust forward. Given the beast's grip on his arm it gave him a relative easy target for the stab. If the stab didn't skewer the beast then it should at least force it to free his forearm.