[hider=Balling] [color=8dc73f]Name:[/color] Balyn [color=8dc73f]Class: [/color] Saber [color=8dc73f]Gender:[/color] Female [color=8dc73f]Appearance:[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/bJK3ufb.png[/img] [color=8dc73f]Alignment:[/color] Lawful Good [color=8dc73f]Personality: [/color] Has a gentle disposition, and acts as knightly as possible. However, she is prone to making decisions without thinking first, going with her impulse instead of reason. Can be brash and headstrong though she strives to uphold all the knightly codes. [color=8dc73f]History: [/color] An impoverished knight who had the misfortune of accidentally slaying the cousin of King Arthur, she was imprisoned for half a year, before finally being released upon the behest of the nobles. When she was finally released however, she found that there was a mysterious woman carrying a sword, offering it to anyone who would be able to pull it. She said it was only meant for the most virtuous and skilled of knights. King Arthur was the first to try, and then the rest of the knights that gathered there. As the mysterious woman started to leave, Balin offered to pull it out. The sword came out easy, resting in her hands as if it was natural. The mysterious woman then warned her of the curse upon that sword. Unable to simply let anyone else be cursed, she took it for herself, thinking that she, perhaps, would defy the curse and shoulder whatever befalls her. Weeks after, she had proven herself worthy of being called the best knight at the time, with even Merlin mentioning to King Arthur that she would have been his bravest and best knight if she had stayed with him. Unfortunately the sword's curse haunted Balin through all her travels. Her journey and life ended, when she slew her own sister, whereupon Merlin took the sword, stuck it to a stone, and floated it down a river. [color=8dc73f]Weapon:[/color] A rather battered, well used, and still deadly longsword,a shield and the cursed Sword with the Red Hilt, a beautifully made sword that would later pass on to Lancelot. [color=39b54a]Parameters:[/color] [color=a2d39c]Strength:[/color] B [color=a2d39c]Endurance:[/color] A [color=a2d39c]Agility:[/color] B [color=a2d39c]Mana:[/color] D [color=a2d39c]Luck:[/color] E [color=39b54a]Class Skills: [/color] [color=a2d39c]Magic Resistance:[/color] C Cancel spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against Magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals. [color=a2d39c]Riding:[/color] B Most vehicles can be handled with above average skill. However, cannot ride the likes of Phantasm Races such as Monstrous Beasts. [color=39b54a]Personal Skills: [/color] [color=a2d39c]Battle Continuation[/color]:A Makes possible to fight even with deadly injuries and can remain alive so long as one does not receive a decisive fatal wound. This skill was granted to to her injuries during her last battle with her sister. [color=a2d39c]Eye of the Mind (True):[/color]B Capable of calm analysis of battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament. So long there is even a 1% chance of a comeback, this ability greatly improves the chances of winning. [color=a2d39c]Knight of Good Intentions: [/color]- Sometimes, whatever she does will backfire, no matter what it is. This was borne of several events in her legends that always turned out badly no matter how hard she tried. She accidentally killed another man in self defense, accidentally made a woman suicide whilst trying to restrain her without hurting her wrists, etc. [color=39b54a]Noble Phantasm(s): [/color]Limit of two, though one is preferred. [color=a2d39c]Name:[/color] Swordbearer's Fate [color=a2d39c]Title:[/color] Cursed Island Duel. [color=a2d39c]Rank:[/color] B [color=a2d39c]NP Type:[/color] Anti-Unit [color=a2d39c]Range:[/color] 0-10 [color=a2d39c]Maximum Number of Targets: [/color]1 [color=a2d39c]Description:[/color] It attempts to recreate the conditions of the island where Balyn dueled to death against her own sister, mainly the seven wounds on each of the fighters. Whatever wounds Balyn has suffered and takes after the activation of this will be mirrored on the opponent, as long as they are in range. [color=a2d39c]Name:[/color]Sword with the Red Hilt [color=a2d39c]Title:[/color]Accursed Holy Sword of Light [color=a2d39c]Rank:[/color] A++ [color=a2d39c]NP Type:[/color] Anti-Unit [color=a2d39c]Range:[/color] 1-2 [color=a2d39c]Maximum Number of Targets:[/color] 1 [color=c4df9b]Description:[/color] It is the cursed sword Balyn acquired from the mysterious woman, and upon her death, would later pass on to Lancelot, then known as Arondight. It still has all its abilities, however, it does not have any dragon slaying properties due to Balyn never having fought one. It increases all of her parameters by one rank and the success rate of saving throws are doubled. [/hider] [hider=lodsemone master] [color=39b54a]Name/Title:[/color] Veronica Vivant Velasquez de Flaga [color=39b54a]Gender:[/color] Female [color=8dc73f]Age: [/color] 28 [color=8dc73f]Personality: [/color] Arrogant, haughty, and standoffish, but for a good reason. Her family was great, SHE was great, there was no reason to not be proud of that. She does not care for boring people, people who befriends her only for her power with nothing to give in return, or any other sort of person she decides to not like at the moment. Views people she finds unworthy as lower than dogs. [color=8dc73f]Appearance:[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/B4Kx19t.jpg[/img] [color=8dc73f]Biography:[/color] As the heir to a prestigious and long lineage of a magus family, she was trained rigorously from birth, being given the best education in whatever field she wanted, as well as being enrolled in a prestigious school. Her family being what it is, one of the magus family behind a major drug cartel, she was bloody rich, her family was bloody rich, and most people she associate with was bloody rich. Money was power. When the Second Owner passed away, her family worked quickly, sending her in in hopes of claiming the land as their own. Expanding further outwards from Brazil was a delicious prospect as well; just having the land would grant them higher prestige and better pull, both among their magus peers and their more mundane peers. In her case however, when she heard about some ritual involving the summoning of ancient heroes and making them fight a grand melee, she was interested instantly. A grand battle with a lot of heroes wasn't something one could see everyday. Such a rare event could be obviously monetized somehow. While she wasn't sure how to do that yet, she was sure she could think one up at her own leisure once she wins. Besides, she needed a place to actually test the potions she and her family had developed. [color=8dc73f]Family History (if applicable):[/color] She comes from a long long line of Magus, so long she could trace them all the way to the Crusades. Eventually their family migrated to south america, where they flourished first as traders. Their fortunes shot up, when they got involved in one of the cartels however. From then on, they focused on mostly alchemical research, making drugs better, enhancing certain attributes, and the likes. Some of the more exotic things they brewed up was sold to rich clients, while others, were kept for themselves. Most of them were failures, having some sort of catastrophic result, which were very useful for making an example out of anyone they decided to kill. The best and most relevant of them was the Red Eyes potion, one her father had just managed to perfect and has handed down the way to making it to her. [color=8dc73f]Origin:[/color] Break [color=8dc73f]Elemental Affinity: [/color]Earth [color=8dc73f]Number of Magic Circuits:[/color] B [color=8dc73f]Quality of Magic Circuits:[/color] A [color=8dc73f]Od:[/color] A [color=8dc73f]Magecraft: [/color]General magecrafts, Western Alchemy, Reinforcement, Advanced Familiar creation in the shape of small crystalline beetles which can fire Gandr shots as well as having some AI on it to keep them from doing dumb things, and the Break curse. Her best skills are in her very own Break spells, spells that simply... breaks apart most things it touches via physical degradation. It can be manipulated as energy balls, a cone of energy like a flamethrower, or most anything else with it besides making it a solid object. Used in this way, it corrodes whatever it comes into contact with. However, setting up a magic circle and activating it, breaks things apart very quickly. Works less well on prana filled things like a magical projectiles, requiring the same amount of prana to completely break it, only able to partially dissipate it should one have less prana than the thing needed to be broken. May work on servants, but to get close enough to actually use an amount significant enough would be suicidal. Her alchemy, includes a myriad of objects ranging from salves to poison, but as mentioned earlier, her best work, is the Red Eyes potion, so called for inducing a user's eyes to become red, as well as enhancing their speed and strength. It was getting quite popular among their groups, especially for those who were expected to fight regularly. However, since making the potion itself was hard, those version they were getting were the watered down version, with lesser effects. Her magical crest contains mostly the same spells she has, with the addition of a Gandr spell, a more advanced bounded field that mimics normalcy in an area, and several Necromancy spells that utilizes teeth as a magical projectile and/or explosives. The teeth spells were especially favored by her family, with each one of them having learned of at least some of them. She however, did not learn of one yet. [color=8dc73f]Equipment: [/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ON-7v4qnHP8[/youtube] A shitton of money, kevlar woven clothes, a Taurus 1911 .45ACP pistol, 3 magazines for it, a combat knife and a shitton of luggage. [color=8dc73f]Skills:[/color] Guns, close quarters combat taught by her teacher, organizing people, making money, an eye for drawings, manual dexterity, smuggling operations, street knowledge, gang knowledge, making more money, torture, killing people, speed reading, driving, gun maintenance, discerning danger, making even more money, avoiding the long arm of the law, and interrogation. [/hider]