[center][h2][i][color=bc8dbf]~Karen Antonius~[/color][/i][/h2] [sup][@josephb][/sup][/center] [color=bc8dbf]"In a few days time, evening in the Whompping Willow,"[/color] answered Karen easily, [color=bc8dbf]"and they ought to know that no movement can last very long with only Purebloods. After all, Half-bloods make up more than half the population of magical Britain. If they truly have the mind to discard people like us, then they are much, much more foolish than I suspected."[/color] Watching Elliot stand up, Karen smiled and shook her head. [color=bc8dbf]"You go on ahead, I think I'll be taking a short walk around the grounds."[/color] It was nearly ritual for her to take walks besides the lake, maybe go for a skinny-dip if she was so-inclined. It was too early for that now, though. So she watched him leave and spent a few more minutes in the Great Hall, before leaving herself for the grounds after dark. [hr][center][i][h3]D[sub]efense[/sub] A[sub]gainst the[/sub] D[sub]ark[/sub] A[sub]rts[/sub][/h3][/i] [b]Hufflepuff & Gryffindor[/b] [sup][@Classpet][/sup][/center] Aah, Defense Against the Dark Arts, one of Karen's premier classes. When they had something to do of course. Sometimes Karen found herself spending an hour doing nothing whenever Belfree got on one of his unusual tangents. Thankfully, the class for today seemed to have been planned out. Well, she'd see how long that would last. Plans and outcomes generally don't match well with each other, especially in a classroom. Seeing as the lesson had yet to begin and quite a few people were still not present, she decided to offer a quick prayer for the day. Clutching the rosary hanging from around her neck, she closed her eyes and tuned out the mundane sounds around her, in favor of her inner voice offered in worship to the Lord. Most would see this as unusual, but then again, how many people would be paying attention to her anyway? Besides, while it may have been unusual to those that did not know her, it was nothing new to those that did -- and many of them also knew that trying to disrupt her in a rude manner would end up terribly for them in the long-run.