[@TheUnknowable] [@TaliPaendrag] [@MonsieurShade] Zane nodded to the conversation between Jile, Jacque, and Mizzie. He did not know much about seeds and agriculture, but it seemed like that camp had come into some good fortune with the two of them. Mizzie, on the other hand, was quite intriguing. Having spent all of his time at work, this was the first time Zane had ever had a chance to meet her. He had quickly grasped that her skills in the Imperial language were basic at best, but she was doing an excellent job communicating her basic information. While the others spoke something about a market, Zane pondered the native that had entered their camp. [color=f7941d][i]'What might she know about this land and be unable to tell us?'[/i][/color] Zane thought for a brief moment before coming to a decision. He approached the girl and placed his hand upon his chest. [color=f7941d]"Zane. You meet later by outside walls? After dinner?"[/color] Zane gestured heavily to get his point across to her. After briefly awaiting her response, he started hurrying over to the smithy. The group seemed to have figured out where they were all going so he was free to go about his usual work. The enchanter had no need of him today, but he still had plenty of work to finish in the smithy. He returned to the smithy swiftly going about his business: quenching and putting the final touches on the short sword he had worked on earlier, general maintenance of the tools and materials they had in supply, taking inventory of the ore reserves they had, and finally finishing the engraving on the punch die to speed up the minting process for coins. While he and the main smith still needed to form the silver into the round planchet, the punch die would allow them to create a coin with two blows from the tool, speeding up their ability to produce the currency so long as they had the material. With that out of the way, the forge would be able to focus on more important projects that needed completion. Work done, he ran over to the mess hall and grabbed several small bits of food, wrapping them in a piece of cloth and stuffing them into his apron pockets, occasionally grabbing a bite as he walked around the camp. The went toward the outside gates, giving a quick nod to the guards on duty as he passed through. Zane looked around at the New Continent's land so much larger than their small fort could ever be. With a quick sigh of tiredness, he turned to the outside walls and brought out his carving kit. A few moments later, the sounds of small hammering could be heard from his position.