[b]Adventure Name - [/b] The Inn and the Dragon [b]Length -[/b] Short [b]Tone -[/b] Middle ground, allowing for some humor but mostly serious [b]Short Description -[/b] A place known as the Adventurer's Inn is found in a clearing of a fanciful forest not a part of any kingdom. A group of adventurers have all made their way here for whatever reason, unknowingly having to join a party together as an unexpected guest arrives. He's heavily wounded, claiming to have done damage of his own onto a deadly beast that's making it's way to the inn as he speaks. Do we have what it takes to band together to fight a dragon, albeit a wounded one unable to fly? Or should we allow the inn to be destroyed and turn tail to come up with a new plan? [b]Character Stipulations -[/b] None. Characters may be ones we'd like to bring for additional adventures as they form a party together.