Here's my character, finally! Please give any thoughts or questions you have on him and I'll answer them tomorrow, after finally getting some sleep. Hope he's up to snuff! Excuse any errors or sentences that are bizarre to read, I'm tired as all HELL. I might make a secondary character in the future, it remains to be seen for now. [hider=Character] [b]Name: [/b]Prince Shin Moros [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Weapon/Abilities:[/b] Shin wields a blade titled [url=]"King Eater"[/url]. A cursed sword, at the wielder's discretion, it can funnel power into them at the cost of gradually consuming their heart. Only by killing something with a heart are the taken parts of the heart of the wielder returned to its former place. However, if the wielder isn't able to kill a being with a heart or that is composed of a heart or kills something without a heart, the stolen parts shall remain within the sword permanently. This is balanced out by the immense power that can be granted by the curse, with incredible strength, endurance speed and reflexes being only a few of the gifts of the horrible exchange. Even to Shin, many of its powers are totally unknown. Many kings have lost their hearts in exchange for the power of the sword, thus granting the saber its ghastly name. Aside from this, Shin has a fairly well developed skill of combat from his royal training and is in quite fit condition, along with more than sufficient skills in first aid and field medicine. He doesn't have much knowledge of magic, however. [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Shin Moros is a serious young man, as former heir to the throne, he is well-educated and has been groomed to inherit a kingdom. Even if this latter fact isn't the case, Shin appears polite and his upbringing is apparent in everyone action he makes, from the way he walks in public, to the way he eats at feasts. Among those close to him, he has a strong sense of honor, despite the disrespect and shame given to him. Purely based on appearances, he is an exemplary image of royalty and the ideas of chivalry he was raised on, though many get a cold impression from him, especially from the gaze his eyes carry. Inside, an ambition like none other burns, pushing the youth in his decisions and actions. Rash and yet tactical, he takes his actions for himself and no other. He easily resorts to radical actions and if he seeks to help others, it's for his own gain. That doesn't change the fact that there does exist a certain kindness in him, but it is smothered by a violent push for glory, bred by years of degradation at the hands of his peers. Mercy is a concept nearly unknown to him, and though it could certainly grow to him, inside Shin, nothing stands in the way of his ultimate goal. [b]Bio:[/b] Born Crown Prince of the Great Kingdom of Kyrarchia, Moros was the firstborn son of then king, Tromeros. Pampered throughout his childhood, he was treated well and had an excellent life, learning all there was for a heir apparent to learn. This continued without pause until he was barely a teen, when his father revealed having an earlier son, who he had believed was lost long ago. Moros was put aside in favor of his new brother, Polemistis. Given the common name "Shin", as it was decided that it wasn't him who would ever inherit the throne and as his father descended into insanity following the death of his mother, Shin was chosen as the target for his outbursts, as well as the target of Polemistis' bullying. Eventually, Shin had become the victim of the entire court and he was treated like a servant, even as he received royal training in many matters out of obligation. This horrific situation brought him to hatch a plan. Diving into the deepest corners of the castle's archives, he soon discovered something incredible. Deep within a closet, behind many locked doors, was a portal to another world and that more than that, there were many other worlds. There were hundreds of thousands of worlds, some like his own and so many unlike his own and in these places, there lived many a great, powerful being and beast. He now knew how he would cement his power. Upon revealing this information to his brother, now king, a deal was made with the jesting tyrant. Shin would venture into this new world, with any equipment he wanted and he would kill the greatest beast of one of these worlds and bring back a witness of the hunt. All Shin asked for was the royal blade, King Eater, and after taking it from the shocked king's hands, he set off. His greatest ambition and mission? [color=7F1519][b]Kill a god.[/b][/color] [/hider]