[@Shiny Keldeo] [h3][color=f26522]Zaru the Chimchar[/color] [color=fff79a]Valiant Village, Center Plaza[/color][/h3] [color=f26522]"Yes ma'am. I'm Zaru."[/color] He decided to introduce himself so that Roserade would be able to call him when she needed to. The young Chimchar happily listened to Roserade's story as he followed her into the garden. Boy was it huge. It was really impressive from his point of view. So her family is the one responsible for taking care of such a magnificent garden? This family must've been a big help for all the travellers who passed by. He thought that maybe his parents went by here when they were younger and then got some help with their herbs. When she apologized because she began to drift off topic, Zaru quickly shook his head. [color=f26522]"Oh no, it's alright. It's quite interesting really."[/color] He admitted. [color=f26522]"Maybe if Roselia doesn't continue it, maybe you could find a helper who is enthusiastic about taking care of the garden."[/color] He decided to suggest. There must be someone out there who has the same interest as them and won't mind taking care of this huge garden. [color=f26522]"Alrighty then!"[/color] Although these kinds of jobs were tedious and boring, Zaru began to take a liking to them as it was usually what he did on his regular days when there were requests. He picked up a basket and then scampered towards the left end of the garden and took note of how long it took for him to get there. He sighed, this was going to take some time but no matter, he won't let it get him down so much. He then began his work. As someone who has been jumping around collecting apples when he was a child as part of a competition, he was pretty quick with the harvesting. Once he got himself into the rhythm, it didn't seem like he was going to stop very soon. Once he reached half of what was assigned to him, he started humming. He heard it back when he was at Treasure Town. He wasn't exactly sure what the lyrics were but he was confident that he knew the tune. And so he continued on, with no sign of stopping any time soon. He got to the middle faster than expected. He actually grew pretty tired once he got to that point. He decided to sit down for a moment or two to recollect his breath. If Roserade doesn't get there by that time, he would continue harvesting to help the older pokemon. Even if he wasn't going to be paid, a job was still a job.