Naw, his heart's in the right place and he has a good imagination. He's not a bad player, either. It's just that these guides were taken from a specific place and intended to be extremely simple and short for sake of the medium they are presented in. They're for PBP RP newbies. But yes, it's plagiarism. He did not cite the source nor give credit to the authors. Instead, he presented them here under his own account name, without the intent to use them for discussion (he did not post anything but the guides). Our authors took exception to this. If some of you have posted extensive guides here, as a fellow RPer I'd love to send newbies over to read them. You probably have a lot of knowledge to pass along. I prefer to directly link to your work rather than copy it. The links would be part of my RP group's [url=]resource list[/url] with full credit going to you and