[@ImportantNobody] This is looking great! So, I have a self-taught mage character I dreamt up a while back for a 1x1 that never took off. It would be nice if I get get a bit of use out of him. Posted below, let me know if I need to make adjustments [hider=Avland] [b]Name[/b] - Avland the Mage [b]Age[/b] - 27 [b]Gender[/b] - Male [b]Race[/b] - Human [b]Personality[/b] - Eager and inquisitive, bordering on impetuous, with a "relaxed" attitude towards proper procedures, rules, and propriety that has got him into trouble on occasion, though he is far from malicious. [b]Appearance[/b][hider=picture][img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/a1cd/f/2014/148/5/d/rincewind_color_by_zazb-d7k57sq.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Abilities[/b] - Rudimentary to middling, somewhat unreliable magic; magical research; pickpocketing; skulking [b]Equipment[/b] - Staff; rucksack with reams of notes, tomes, formulae, and spell components; small dagger [b]Backstory[/b] His name is Avland the Mage, though among his friends and acquaintances he is more often referred to as "Avland the Twit" or "That Bloomin' Nutter Who Very Nearly Burnt Down the Tavern Along With Some of the Adjoining Properties, Would You Believe It" (a sort of honorific title, in spirit), or "That Nutter" for short. Avland's magical abilities are almost entirely self-taught. He is an orphan and grew up as a fairly disreputable street urchin until one day he pinched a journal from among the effects of an important wizard which were being auctioned off following his unfortunate assassination. The book contained various arcane formulae in differing stages of development, and Avland discovered their potency when, while absent-mindedly imitating the gestures in a particularly fascinating diagram, he inadvertently transmuted his shoes into cheese. Realising the great potential in a book that allowed one to play games with reality itself, Avland dedicated himself to pestering every mage, wizard, warlock, conjurer, card-shark, or remotely wizardly-looking gentleman he ran across into taking him on as an errand boy, so he could glean even a little more insight into their secrets. Many years later, upon catching him one night poring over some (upside down) scrolls, one of his more magnanimous masters taught Avland reading, writing, and just enough of the rudiments of magic to get into trouble. Thrilled with his new-found abilities, Avland struck out on his own. He lives by hiring himself out to solve problems people bring to him—the sort of problems renowned or competent mages tend to pass over in favour of more glamorous work. Need to fix a leaky barn roof? Avland will happily coat it entirely in a magically-modified, water-repellent slime mold (please don't mind the smell)! Looking to draw in a little extra traffic and income at your tavern? Avland knows some fire tricks your patrons are bound to love! Need large holes indiscriminately smashed into important objects? Avland has likely already fulfilled your request many times over! Almost all his spare time is spent fiddling about with his various incantations and formulae to refine his spellcraft, or studying whatever arcane tomes and codices he can get his hands on to expand his eclectic repertoire. [/hider]