Name - Kodor Age - 25 Gender - Male Race - Human Personality - Kodor is a noble savage with a fiery temper and a penchant for extreme violence. In battle, he is liable to be possessed by an extreme bloodlust, entering a berserker state. Despite this, he has a primitive sense of community. To him, the protection of his tribe is more important than anything else. The tribe protects each other and helps each other, and in the outlands, this is essential for living another day. He's gone from living as a hunter-gatherer to being in places where food and drink are bountiful. As such he's fond of food, drink, and other simple pleasures, though he also derives a form of joy from violence. Kodor, given his life, also believes that might makes right. Appearance - [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Abilities - Kodor is second to none in terms of strength and constitution, raised in the harshest climates and fighting dangerous monsters. Likewise, he's skilled with melee weapons, overwhelming enemies with sheer strength. Moreover, he's fit to bouts of berserker rage. When he enters such a state, he grows frighteningly violent, able to ignore pain, fear, and fatigue until he bleeds out or the enemy is destroyed. Even allies are recommended to stand back until he calms down. Equipment - A heavy sword and a greataxe, both slung across his back. Backstory - Kodor hails from the farthest reaches of society, wherein dangerous beasts and the harshest climates make survival an everyday concern. There, Kodor and his clan grew as savages, living off the land and eating the monsters that sought to destroy them. Kodor's role in the old village was as a hunter. He, especially, would venture from the safety of the huts and fires and spend long periods tracking dangerous beasts in the snow. This was necessary. It provided meat and bone and fur. Kodor spent many years doing this. However, one year, he went out during an especially harsh blizzard. During this time, he was beset by many hungry bears. For him, this meant much meat. When he returned, however, the village was abandoned, the huts empty. The tundra was vast, and if they weren't dead, it was likely Kodor would never see them again. Without a clan, he began to wander. He left the tundra and wandered the deserts. There, he killed. He left the desert and wandered the plains. There, he killed. He left the plains and wandered the jungles. There, he killed. But no matter where he wandered or who he killed, he never found his village. This brings him to today. He now lives his life only as a sellsword, mercenary, and treasure hunter.