[h3][u]Cosh[/u][/h3] [b]Jenna, Helena & Sinys[/b] The Cosh had a hold of leather, not flesh. She knew because the taste of the cured, dried and dead skin was foul in her mouth. However, she clamped down more with her teeth and sank into the sole another quarter of a cm in hopes to prevent escape. The beast’s neck throbbed with pain as the Cosh’s muscles moved, stressed by the damage Helena had caused. Her paws dug down into the ground where her claws pawed the dirt. The animal’s breathing was labored through she seemed unable to give up. Upon feeling something stir at the boot, a foot wiggling to get free, then Cosh female snarled a warn. Coiling all her energy into her motion, she ripped the red haired woman toward Sinyus causing the ‘feeling’ that something was off thanks to the force of her body disrupting the air. The female Cosh managed to drag Helena to the side when Jenna’s arrow hit and Helena’s foot kicked, sending pain into the beast’s side then her head. The animal’s eyes shut while she used her pain for power then made one last toss. It was mid way the woman’s boot finally decided to come off through her body was already in the air and landing on Sinyus, the boy letting his arrow loose moments after she touched down. The arrow skirted past, seemingly dangerously close to nicking her, and flow toward the Cosh’s shoulder where it stuck fast. The Cosh whimpered then crumbled. Her body no longer responding to her demands through she struggled to get back up and attack, her limbs weakly wobbling underneath her before she flopped onto the ground. To anyone with eyes, the animal was slowly bleeding out and suffering until someone put her out of her misery. There was too much damage, and risk, to heal the beast while she meekly lifted her with a plea for death in her eyes. An end to the pain…