[Hider=Alexander]Appearance: Although the recent years of hefting around the various enchanted items for his mentor ranging from rings to warhammers as done a bit to strengthen the boy, Alexander is not what anyone would call toned, a rather slight looking fellow who has obviously focused on enhancing his mind rather than his body. Standing at 5'11" only serves to accentuate his rather slender build. Pale blonde hair. [IMG]http://pre02.deviantart.net/216b/th/pre/f/2013/063/2/2/scholar_calintz_by_komapsunida-d5wzkte.jpg[/img] Name: Alexander Driknell Age: 19 Personality: One of the more important parts of your CS, give me a good taste of what your character is like. Backstory: Important, but not as important as your character's personality, give me a small summary of your character's history and bio. Skills and Abilities:  Professional Enchanter- Having started his mentorship when he was 13, Alexander has learned much of the intricate runecrafting and imbuement needed to continue his craft. While he won't be making any talking swords or rings of invisibility, with the right materials and enough time, he can fashion a decent array of items. Journeyman Mage- While he can wield the arcane energies sufficiently, most of Alexander's magic is long, careful, and patient work. Outside of throwing a few bolts of raw energy this way and that, Alexander's combat potential is rather poor. And due to a lack of on the fly control, allies should be wary of being near any attempts he makes. Given time, he could work up a few decent combat decent spells, but more often then not the battle would be done by this point. Alexander prefers to prepare rather than react,  letting his enchantments take care of his problems when possible. However outside of fighting, he is capable of support spells and utility spells, as well as some low end healing. Journeyman Merchant-Having been born into a family of merchants, Alexander has picked up a few tricks of the trade, knowing how to haggle and appraise all amongst most street vendors, though he won't be making any bulk deals. Novice Scribe- Having been taught to write and read as part of his education at Edessa's School of Magic, he uses it mostly for practical means, listing materials and the occasional letter. Equipment:  Enchanted Silver Compass-One of the most recently made items Alexander has created, having started working on them after hearing of the approaching war. While he had been working on finishing one for each of his family members,  he only managed to finish two,  one now with his elder sister. Last he'd seen her she had been leaving to join the battlefields. The compasses are attuned to each other, effective over a 50 mile radius. Mithril Dagger- Less for protection, this was given by his father to be sold as an emergency should the need be, more decorative than practical. Having made their wealth early on as a traveling merchant, his father knew better than to carry all your money as coin. Poor balance makes it almost useless in a fight. Often kept hidden between the boards of his cart. Echanting Tools- While unable to bring anything rivaling the equipment from where Alexander apprenticed, he was able to bring imbued carving tools for rune-etching and a small enchanting table with which to channel the spells into items has been fastened to the the cart. Tome of Advanced Magic- A large book meant for further education into magic, Alexander can often be found reading this when not experimenting. Horse and Cart- Staffs, Rings, and a Robe- [/Hider] WIP for the moment, though I would like to know what I need to limit myself to so far as the enchanted items, so I've left those blank for the moment.