Like a frightened deer ready to bolt Reaper hovered near the exit of the auditorium, body tense and the gloved fingers of her left hand rubbing harshly against the back of her neck in an uncomfortable tick. Underneath the mask her black gaze alternated between the commotion surrounding the boy and her own feet, as though confirming her powers weren’t acting of their own accord once more. Well, their own accord wasn’t quite right – they technically didn’t have willpower. They just reacted to her own desires. Though, scaring the boy definitely wasn’t her intention… Yet the damage was already done, and combined with the others’ poor attempts at comforting the boy was scared half to death, which considering he already looked half starved to death wasn’t a good thing. Hence Reaper’s hovering near the entrance, ready to leave if needed while silently cursing herself. Imagine if that had happened without her mask, as just Zoey. She tried to keep her mind off it – there was little chance of Zoey running into this situation. Meanwhile between Ditch, Turn Back and Omega – and she supposed Ecto, as awkward as his attempt was – he at least seemed to be calming. Something Reaper had no intention of breaking once more by approaching. Wraith at the very least shared her sentiment, though she doubted for the same reason once the talk of ghosts came up. If Reaper was tense before she was absolutely rigid now, not even sparing Turn Back a glance as he swiftly made his retreat from the auditorium and into the rain, though she kept note of where his beacon went until it seemed to merge with the sea of indistinguishable blobs making up the city. It was almost tempting to slip out and follow his example despite the ache settling in her chest. There was an apology at the forefront of her mind, someone she needed to explain herself to for many years… Now wasn’t the time. Physically shaking her head Reaper ripped her gaze once more away from the stage to try and pay attention, to keep track of anyone approaching that she could sense. It wasn’t like she could come close currently. She doubted Umbra enjoyed losing one of his assets either, however young the boy may be. Besides that, despite all the talk of being the good guys she highly doubted that the kid would appreciate her approaching once more. “At least if the bracelet was his it means no one else was around here… that we know of,” The shadow manipulator muttered lowly, as though unwilling to be heard by the stage and instead glancing over to Wraith. “There was no signs of others where you found this?”