[color=92278f]"You must receive them. You are one of the pure, you must stall them whilst we deliberate further. Once we are finished we may... discuss what must be done with whatever, or whoever arrives."[/color] For the entirety of the meeting, an assemblage of every one of the Chapter's highest ranking members, as well as their most decorated warriors, Serviel had sat himself in silence - half concealed by shadow and silent throughout - not too far from the side of his Chapter Master; he had listened closely to each course of action that was proposed, his angelic and untouched features never shifting from an expression of utter neutrality, not even when some of the more militant among them began forming a 'war faction' right before his very eyes. These particular Astartes had always been of the violent type, so it came as no surprise to him, nor did it shock him as others declared under the guise of a suggestion that they should flee into the far reaches of space and avoid any potentially combustible situations. When Rokurou finally turned and addressed his Chief Apothecary, the warrior-healer had been deep in thought, yet once his superior gave him an order, well, he really had no choice but to obey it. Swiftly, he lifted himself from his seat and gave the sign of the Aquila to all present, moving around the table and through the open doors and into the hallway; it was here, in the more open spaces of the fortresses decks, even as his feet carried him toward the hangar where a member of the Emperor's Inquisition awaited him, that he ran scenarios through his mind as to how best to distract them. None seemed all that suitable, they [b]were[/b] trained to detect lies...human lies, he was a Space Marine though, and he knew that it was more difficult for mere mortals to read them. Before long he was present at the doors of the hangar, momentarily considering whether to conceal his face behind the helmet in the crook of his elbow, then deciding against it. No, instead he took a breath, a nice long one, and while slowly releasing it he made his way into the hangar and across the expanse to the entourage of the female he could clearly tell was in charge here. "Lord Inquisitor Kilrit?" He asked once he was only a couple of feet away, his voice carrying over any distance as it rumbled from deep within his chest, "it is an honour to have such an esteemed member of the Holy Inquisition here but..." letting his words hang in the air for but a moment, his tone changed to one of quite genuine puzzlement, "our tithe is neither prepared, nor is this collection as per our agreed schedule, at least that is why I assume you are here?" Cutting off any further words, he simply allowed his eyes to rest on the smaller figure and his face to once more become as expressionless as a statue of marble. [@agentmanatee]