[center]~|Day 2, 22:11-22:17 GST|~ ~|Jayda, Animal Pens and Sith Practicing Chambers|~[/center] Jayda’s middle became heavy and thick, a familiar illness it seemed from being upon this ship, had started to spread from her gut. She was uneased and like any nervous animal, her body couldn’t help showing it though she had managed to keep it minimal as possible. Inwardly, she was thankful the Echani padawan wasn’t here. He would’ve caught it easily and his actions might’ve made them both targets of the Sith attentions, a fact she wanted little as possible to do with. Being on the ship was like balancing act and one she was struggling with daily causing her nerves to be stressed to their limit and still tugged along, her mind wondering faintly where the snapping point was. And what she would do after she hit it. “Greetings the both of you, I have not met you yet, young one. You may call me Lady Lansha.” The Sith lord’s voice had airs of superior and a false attempt to be friendly, a tone that was tried on Jayda before. The Zabrak's purple eyes flickered toward Ven’ren, spotting his reaction, on her rise upright again. It wasn’t hard to see Vivithe studying him like a predator noting a unaware bird chirping in her path, renewing the discomfort of earlier again, a feeling that she was disturbingly getting use to while traveling on this ship. Jayda, vaguely, wondered if the woman was looking for Zanna or would note her absence. The first few times they had met the Red Sith apprentice had been around and gently blocking the Lord’s roundabout information collecting. “I was just taking Nazca here for some training, she has just recently converted to our cause after seeing the error in her Jedi ways,” Vivithe’s words appeared to brag about the ex-youngling causing Jayda’s eyes to look at the odd Jedi. A bit of judgment and disappointment in them at seeing another most likely discover the woman’s one true weakness, still listening carefully, though she was doubtful of the conversion being complete. “Her potential in the dark side of the Force is a beautiful thing. If either of you would like to join us in a training session then you are welcome to do so.” She grinned, that same deceive manner, and added. “Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something.” Not waiting long for an answer, she finished off her statement with a simple discarding comment. “But you don’t have to if you have other business to attend to. Don’t let me get in the way of dealing with your own master.” She began to walk past toward the Sith practice chambers, her boots echoing and started to fade the farther she got. The Zabrak apprentice watched her suspiciously until she was relieved to see her heading away. She had noted the tone wasn’t threatening or had hidden hints that declining would have serious consequences, through it was hard to know with a Sith Lord. Thankfully, and unknowingly, Vivithe had left a way out for her and one she aimed to take. “As much as I would rather avoid Sish’s presence,Lady Lansha, he has given me a task earlier. One which I have to report about the result to before the end of the night. I think being able to walk and fight another day would be naturally preferred.” With that, she departed. [center]~|Day 3, 2:00-3:15 GST|~ ~|Navi & Unwelcomed Company, Kaggath corridors|~[/center] Koren’s plan might work, but Navi didn’t have full faith in the man’s methods or his ability to make things work. It wasn’t personal or even based on jealousy. It was cold, hard logic that a single person’ odds in making a plan work for other individuals that didn’t see fit to help themselves would fail. Koren was the backbone and unofficial leader who kept the Jedi together, a matter difficult for him since his experiences gave him no rest. It didn’t take an organic to see that much. Even with the laid back personality, Koren, much like Xid, was haunted by those small effects from war and they still continued to plague the knight to this day. The only difference, Koren was well practiced and able to hide the effects on the outside. Navi turned a sharp left toward the prisoner complex. His feet soft and quick over the metal, making loud enough sounds that he barely registered something had shuffles in the vents ahead. Immediately he ground to a stop then flickered up his visional scanners to scan the area before him. He was the end of a T shaped vent, the right being his needed destination and lead right back to the shortest route toward the Jedi. However, something was there. With his feet silenced, Navi could hear the soft scratching in the vents. Scritch...Scratch… like something crawling around in his path. Cautiously, Navi edged forward with his laser raised and out. About a quarter of the way there, smoke abruptly appeared. It billowed into the vent like a living thing and rolled over the vent flooring, edging closer. Navi recognized the creature as the one that killed the apprentice back in the Sith quarters. Without hesitating, the little droid scrambled about then shot down the vent quickly as he could. His legs moving the fastest they could and trying to put distance between him and the thing now intent on smothering him. All this time in the vents, he had never falling out of it once. Percentage wise, it was almost impossible. The only thing that was strange, fate or luck never believed in such factors. So, by pure chance or whatever divine force’s will, the vent grate right over Khan was loose. So loose that when Navi stepped onto it, the little bot fell through and landed right in front of the boy. Of course, it being unexpected, Navi didn’t have the reflexes of a feline. He landed on his hard, vibration resistant outer shell causing a slight crack to appear on his surface. The impact was enough to daze him and force a minor pause in order to repair his operation system and collect himself. Shaking like a small canine, Navi turned toward Khan making several panicked beeps, clicks and whistles while trying to tug the boy along. It would be obvious he was spooked and wanted to get away, and now! The smoke had started to peer over the edge of the opening that Navi came through, seeming to debate on exiting or not. Finally having made up its mind, the smoke started to file down toward the pair.