[center][h2][color=f7941d]Hiccups[/color] and [color=f6989d]Swearing[/color][/h2] Grin, Monochromatic & Wind Wild [i]Marielle, Adéla, Sirius, some blonde chick[/i] Day 3, Evening[/center] Marielle growled as she tugged at the bottom of her [url=http://www.weddingideatips.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/cute-yellow-dresses-cute-dress-model.jpg]dress[/url]. Yellow wasn’t really her color, she preferred her black and white tops with her combat boots, but today was an exception. Pirates and Knights littered the main floor of the reception as Marielle stood stationary. She frowned and glanced over at the bar area. Maybe a drink or two would help get her into a more festive mood. Wading past wave after wave of bodies she made it up to the bar counter, making her way into a seat. “A small cup of whiskey, please. On the rocks.” Her favorite. The bartender nodded and made his way to the back. She leaned back in her stool. [i]Hope blondie is at least having a good wedding..[/i] Marielle’s mind was pretty blank. After her blackout with Ralrisk she was placed right back into Iris’s care in the infirmary of blackwing. The girl snarled, understanding the event as if a child needed to be babysat. It would take a lot to lift her mood from the recent cloud of gloom looming over her. Adéla for her part was already well on her way to drunkenness. Several empty glasses were stacked in a small haphazard triangle nearby. In spite of all the alcohol in her system she was still quite aware of her abnormal attire, though at this point she had gotten over her discomfort with it and simply begun to drink. She would’ve struck up a conversation with someone, but her only “friend” apparently hated her right now. Or thought she was an assassin/traitor/something who would get shot in the back just to get at her, all because of her damned “boyfriend”. Gods how she wanted to plant her boot through Marcus’ face some day. Some day she would be able to. Maybe she’d even get the chance to drop him down that hole he left her to die in. She might let him fester in fear of what she’d do to him though. Revenge best served cold and all that. His death would be adequate seasoning to make up for that though. The bartender had left now, getting a drink for someone else. Someone with a familiar voice. Adéla looked to her side, quirking an eyebrow at the familiar girl sitting not too far away. What had her name been? Maria? Mary? Something with an M and an A, she knew that much. With a tired gesture she waved to her, whatever her name was, before downing her glass and calling for the next. Marielle absently glanced over at the gesture only to find the face of the woman known as Adéla. Her eyes widened ever so slightly. “Oh, hello. Adéla, was it?” She stayed still. “It’s been a few days. You helped get me to the infirmary, at least, that’s what I heard.” She frowned. Adéla nodded, raising her drink to Marielle as if giving a toast. “That was a pretty respectable fight there, even if you did bite off a bit more than you could chew. You were pretty banged up after it though.” She nodded again, signaling the bartender for another drink before making her way to Marielle’s spot, claiming the stool next to her. She gave her a quick, appraising look, idly commenting, “Yellow doesn’t really seem your color, to be perfectly honest.” Marielle snorted. “Yeah, well, I’m not very good at color coordination and shit. Not really my forte.” When she got her glass she quickly swallowed all of its contents, thudding it back down onto the table. “Hey guy behind the bar! One more.” Though she said one more she knew it wouldn’t be the last. “And as for respectable fight, you don’t have to be so kind about it.” Marielle eyed Adéla and quickly gave her a look of mild disbelief. “It was a fool's errand and everyone knows it. I got my shit kicked back inside me before it even started.” A dry chuckle came out of her. “Still, at least I know that the lady isn’t all talk. There’s a reason why everyone doesn’t piss her off.” Adéla raised an eyebrow, “I never said you came close to winning or something. All I meant was that, despite the fact you were hopelessly outmatched against Raven, you fought fairly well.” The bartender arrived with her and Marielle’s drinks and she immediately snatched it up, downing a mouthful and making a face as the rum and whatever else was in there burned it’s way down her throat. “There’s a reason I grabbed a stretcher the moment I realized what was happening. Still though, against an opponent who isn’t y’know, over two thousand years old and a nigh demigod, you’d kick some ass.” She shrugged, finishing her drink and signaling for yet another one, though by now the booze was really hitting her system, and her voice was starting to slur slightly. “Interesting set of cards, by the way.” Marielle smiled a little at the compliment before quickly drowning herself in the alcoholic drink again. She gave the bartender a look and he nodded before picking up her glass yet again. “I appreciate it mecha chick, I liked how you fucked up the Warden too, that was some hot shit.” Her smile got a bit wider. “I think we can both agree that we’re a good pair of badass motherfuckers.” “Fucker deserved it…” she grumbled, miming the same brutal swing she had cut off his head with. “That’s what he gets for grabbing my ass every other day. And some other things I won’t mention.” Downing another glass of her drink she grinned at Marielle, “I kinda wish he’d died on a larger platform really, I would’ve liked to punt his head off the side myself, preferably with the leg he cut off.” She perked up suddenly, “Badass motherfuckers indeed! Though I think I’ll stick with people I’m not related to. Or anyone else really. I’m not picky.” She grinned at Marielle, leaning in with a mischievous grin on her face, “Which reminds me, a little bird told me that [i]you[/i] know how to get Crow drunk!” Marielle cocked an eyebrow at her. “I can get anyone drunk given the right circumstances, but why the fuck would you want raisin face drunk? He’s always obsessed with his dead body fetish. Unless,” She smirked. “You want him to pass out so you can pull all kinds of hilarious pranks on him...right?” “I’ve heard he’s an excellent lay if he’s drunk enough to stop obsessing over corpses long enough.” Adéla cackled, downing another drink, “But that’s not to say I’d never consider some good old pranking and humor with him. He’s always so… morose.” Marielle spit out a laugh in the middle of downing another drink. “[i]Him,[/i] fuckable?! God damn, I might have to be completely plastered myself before the thought can come to mind.” She twirled her finger in the air proudly. “As for pranks, you can always just superglue his dick to his ass, that is, if it can even reach.” People started to stare in horror but Marielle didn’t even notice. “I spent my early life as a prostitute. You find your standards loosen considerably.” She grinned despite herself, thinking of her past never gave her any warm fuzzies, “Besides, I just about am plastered anyway! You’d know best with the pranks though, my oh so tender upbringing hasn’t exactly made me a huge prankster.” Marielle looked a bit surprised. “Oh? That would make a lot of sense.” She paused. “I’ve lived in a circus most of my life so tricks are what I’m all about.” Adéla raised an eyebrow, “Oh? Tricks you say?” She grinned mischievously, “Just what kind of tricks did you learn, hmmmmm?” She leaned over, playfully nudging Marielle in the side, “Depending on the kind of tricks I know plenty myself!” That’s just about when [Marielle/Adela] noticed something off. Most of the people around had thrown some disapproving or bemused glances at the two girls and quickly got back to minding their own business, potentially moving away slightly. [i]One girl[/i], however, had her eyes glued on them and they were wide with what seemed like pure horror. She had short blonde hair, done in perfect curls, striking blue eyes and a few freckles, and although she wasn’t stunning, she could definitely class as “cute”. That is, aside from the fact that she was clearly eavesdropping on them. Realising she’d been spotted, the girl turned shoulder to the pair swiftly enough to almost spill her drink. She caught it by a hair and sucked on the straw, staring intently at the bar as if trying to figure out the solution to a weird mathematical problem. “Oh you know,” Marielle grinned at Adéla. “Stuff for everything. I was a magician. Flamelia is what the city called me,” She laughed. Marielle wasn’t really intent on giving out information of her life but at this point she was too drunk to really realize what she was saying. For her, talking right now sent invisible warm butter all along her body. The girl threw up her arms. “I was famous. Everyone knew me as the sexy motherfucker with a hat that contained a world of cool shit. It was fun too, being able to wink at people and have them go crazy.” She frowned. “Basically everyone here is a tightass though and don’t give a fuck about magic.” The black haired girl downed another glass, pleasured by the lingering burn of the alcohol. “Flamelia?” Adéla snickered, “That’s the name you chose? Kinda generic don’tcha think? Maybe do something a bit more adventurous perhaps?” Out of the corner of her eye she spotted the other girl watching them and made a mental note, albeit an inebriated and unclear one, to keep an eye on her in case she did anything else. In all likelihood she was simply bemused by the drunken revelry, but it was always possible she was up to something more sinister. “Well I mean you [i]are[/i] in a tower full of people ten times our age. And a lot of Fae.” She took another swig of her drink, “Fae are weird. Weird courtship practices. Weird social rules. [i]Really[/i] weird kinks. You won’t believe some of the stuff I was asked to do by respectable looking men in sharp suits!” Marielle cocked an eyebrow at that. “Fae are definitely not my type, that’s for sure. They may look pretty but they can really fucking piss me off.” Marielle clenched her fist. “As for the dumb name, yeah, It’s pretty generic, that being said I wasn’t the one who came up with it. The host for the whole circus did.” Marielle swallowed. “Nobody likes a good magic trick anymore. Which is why I had to haul my ass elsewhere. Fuck people and their high fucking standards.” Marielle looked at the bar tender. “Ah screw it, just give me the whole damn bottle!” Her cheeks and nose began to turn pink. Was it always this hot in here? “Anyway why do you wanna sleep with Crow? Like, what the fuck, aren’t you hotter than that?” “I dunno. You have any better options in mind?” Adéla quirked an eyebrow, having lost track of just how much booze she’d consumed at this point. It wasn’t a big deal anyway. Worst case scenario she woke up in a strange place again and had to crack some skulls. Had happened before. Cybernetics were awesome. “And I mean at least you can do magic. I couldn’t until literally three or four weeks ago. Granted now I can do some really scary shit but it ain’t the same, y’know?” She signalled for yet another drink before following Marielle’s lead, “Fuck it just gimme the whole thing.” She turned back to Marielle, smirking, “So, as I was saying, any better options in mind, hmmmmmm?” “I don’t know, maybe someone who doesn’t wear a mask that makes his face look like a fucking raisin!” Marielle threw her arms up again. “There are plenty of hot guys swarming around. Like some of blondie’s pirates. Hot damn some of them have got a fine set of abs, if you don’t mind a few scars.” She took a swig of the whole bottle and ignored the bartender when he shook his head. The two started attracting quite the attention. Marielle stared at Adéla before smirking maniacally. “Why don’t you just shout that you wanna bang someone, I’m sure there’d be someone who’ll show up to us. Besides we’re hot as fuck.” She leaned back against the whole bar table. “Actually, you know what? Screw the fae, maybe I’ll put on my own little magic show right now.” Marielle stood up and started fiddling with the yellow flower hair pin she had woven into her hair. She was definitely beyond reasoning. [i]Screw him I can put on my own fucking circus.[/i] Adéla watched her in amusement. “I don’t mind scars, got plenty of them myself after all. Probably a lot more than any of them do.” She upended the bottle of rum the bartender had hesitantly handed her, drinking a long draught from it. “And I mean I could do that, but it’s so much more fun to get someone hot under the collar and unsure of what to do with themself!” She couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow as Marielle shot to her feet and… did something with the little yellow flower in her hair. “Have fun then. Just so long as we get laid with someone half decent I’m right behind you. Not literally of course.” She paused, then winked deviously, “Unless you want me to be, anyway.” She reclined against the bar, watching the show about to unfold. [b]”[color=f7941d]LISTEN UP BITCHES![/color]”[/b] Marielle grinned and held her hand up high. She snapped once. Suddenly her body was licked by dancing flames around her, eating away at her clothes and replacing it with her circus uniform. Her pin popped and twirled into the magician’s cap, and she sat on the bartable, one leg on the stool as she held her hat in her hand. “[color=f7941d]It’s magic trick time. A special performance brought to you through yours truly. What would you like to see ladies and gentlemen?[/color]” Though her words were slightly slurred Marielle had a sweet curve to her voice, different from her usual groaning demeanor. Marielle quickly held out her hands to the group of people that were staring. With that she smiled. Her hand glided along the air, pulling out a 3rd of clovers. Walking up to a passerby she took his beer glass. The man was about to grunt a complaint before she melted the card into her skin, and with one small breath of air she blew on the glass. Suddenly, it wasn’t filled with beer, but with gold coins. Turning on her heel she strode back to Adéla, giving her a wink. Clapping and cheers of approval had started to spread from the two girls and one rose above them all, a whistle more befitting at a bar than on a wedding reception. “Now if you can make your thongs manifest on my plate and prove they’re yours by lifting your skirt up, I’d be truly impressed!” Sirius shouted to make himself heard. He was walking their way, wearing an elegant old-fashioned swallowtail tuxedo and a bowtie… and a plate of cocktail bites with tiny pirate flags sticking out of them. “Sirius!” A voice to Adela’s left hissed in outrage – the same girl from before. The man laughed and reached the bar, lowering the plate on it. “Sorry, darling, couldn’t help myself.” He glanced at Adela and grinned a wide, immaculate grin. “Besides, it would be rude of me not to answer the girls’ desperate calls.” The girl pouted, puffing her cheeks up in a cute manner and Sirius hurried to put an arm around her and feed her a bite. “I’m just joking, of course.” Marielle sneered and crossed her arms. “[color=f7941d]You sure you’d want a thong? I don’t think you’d be able to handle it, since it’s a very adult-like item. You may poop your diapers.[/color]” She tapped her finger on her arm before winking at the guy she took his beer glass from and handed it back to him. “[color=f7941d]That’s a souvenir [i]sweetheart.[/i][/color]” He grinned like he just won the lottery and she turned on her heel back to Sirius. “Ladies and gentlemen my best act..” Marielle gave him an annoyed look. “[color=f7941d]I’m going to make him [i]disappear.[/i][/color]” “Oh please, just call my brother first. He’ll want to see this!” Sirius laughed and spread his arms out. “Where do you want me?” Next to him his date was staring at her drink, looking extremely uncomfortable. Adéla blinked at the two, shrugging before downing another drink. She watched the exchange, her eyebrow slowly raising as it progressed. “The things I can do once I take a thong off have made grown men weep.” She grinned malevolently at him, “Granted, that was usually because they were into some serious S&M. But even the regular stuff…” she trailed off, winking conspiratorially at Marielle, “I don’t think your pee-pee is developed enough to handle it. Try again, sweetheart, you might just sort of maybe impress me, or at least get a B- for effort.” Marielle grinned, reaching for her deck for a ten of spades. Combustive fire. She stopped herself however, and stood still, as if she saw a ghost. Suddenly she snapped her fingers and her Flamelia outfit dissolved back to her yellow dress. “...you know what? I don’t have time to pick fights with small dicks.” Marielle pressed her hand over her forehead. The room spun and warped. [i]Damn it, I had too much to drink..[/i] She had reached her limit. Marielle may be tough but she rarely drinks. After a second of collecting herself she looked at the crowd. “Alright alright guys playtime’s [b]over.[/b] I’d give more of a show but I’m too plastered to care. Thanks for the attention.” Marielle hoped they’d all understand the words that came out of her mouth. There must have been some effect, for she began to see the crowd go back to what they were originally doing. The girl turned back to Sirius. “What’s up with little goldylocks over here? She a side bitch or something?” Marielle licked at the tip of the whiskey bottle slowly. “Oh my, the toughest Knight in the Tower offers me sex? I didn’t know you swung that way, darling.” He commented but his attention would rather be on Marielle. Her sudden change of mood (and dress) was as interesting as it was worrisome but as she posed her last question his eyebrow twitched with irritation. “Please girls, have at least some grace. It’s one thing to joke among ourselves but I’d rather you not insult my date.” He turned his back to the girls and grabbed the plate of bites like a waiter, smiling at the blonde girl. “Shall we excuse ourselves, Charlotte?” The girl, now red as a tomato, nodded weakly and got off her seat. “Have a nice evening, girls.” Her voice shook slightly as did her smile but it lacked any sarcasm. She really seemed cute and innocent, possibly the only one at the reception who truly was. Marielle nodded before turning back on her heel. The bar began to spin. She quickly gripped her head. [i]Damn it, stupid alcohol. Fucking ridiculous. How do people drink this shit every day?[/i] She tilted her head up from staring at the ground. People began to run out from the room. [i]The hell? What is---[/i] And that’s when she saw it. Raven stood there. Everyone should be cheering for the occasion, but something was off. Her look was dark, desperate, a look Marielle had never seen her display. Something was clearly wrong.