I was thinking something along this size with an attachable roof, mostly used to vary his enchanting table and hold a few provisions and sparse amount of enchanting materials. [Hider][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9f/Horse_Cart.jpg[/img][/hider] As to the enchantments, meant rather what would be a bit much to have at the begining of the story, don't want my character to be overdone with the enchanted items. So far I've thought of a cloak that protects from being cut or sliced, say if you got hit by an arrow or sword it wouldn't go through, but the impact would still hit, leading to bruises and broken bones, but avoiding blood loss. Another would be a shield amulet or bracelet, activated to hold off blows and such, though energy and such wouldn't be stopped. I'll have a few utility enchantments, like light stick, everwarm stones for cooking and heat, little stuff like that. I figure the scarcity of materials and time will act as a sufficient balance to what he can make after the game starts, so thought I'd ask what I should consider the limit of starting enchanted items.