[center][img]http://s27.postimg.org/j559vyzun/Luthor_logo_1.png[/img][/center] [b]LexCorp Building, Metropolis[/b] Lex smiled as he heard Thor's hulking footsteps making their way from the elevator and into his office. Thor Odinson was the closest Lex had to a Superman. Luthor had spent tens of millions searching the Earth for superhumans that would help him take the metahuman arms race to the next level. Thor was his walking deterrent. If it ever came to it and Luthor's Cold War between Lex and Superman turned hot, Luthor could only hope the Asgardian had the power at his disposal to take the Man of Steel down. In their conversations about the subject, Odinson seemed to revel in the thought of breaking Superman. Whether he could actually do it was another thing. [color=39b54a]"Ah, [i]there[/i] you are. Stopped causing international incidents, I hope? I had a rather irate Kahndaqi on the phone this morning complaining about your foray into Africa. Isn't it amazing how quickly the temper cools when someone offers you ten million dollars?"[/color] Odinson stared emptily at Luthor as the billionaire smiled at him wryly. [color=39b54a]"I digress, I [i]obviously[/i] didn't call you in here to talk compensation."[/color] Luthor gestured towards the television on which he'd been watching Corben and Superman fighting. A third combatant had arrived some seconds before Thor's heavy feet found their way to Lex's office. Wonder Woman. She had stonewalled Lex, given him a shoulder colder even than the one Superman had given him, and her disdain for the Justice League and Luthor was was apparent. For the time being, that was the least of his worries. All Luthor cared about, all Luthor wanted, was Jonathan Corben back in his possession. [color=39b54a]"You see that man, Thor? His name is Jonathan Corben and he is very dangerous. Very dangerous, indeed. So much so that he made short work of the Man of Steel a few moments ago. Were it not for Wonder Woman, our old friend Superman would be but an unpleasant memory."[/color] A grin appeared on Odinson's fiercely Nordic features. It was a grin Lex noticed and pounced upon in seconds. He needed Thor hungry, he [i]needed[/i] him motivated, and there was no greater way to motivate the Thunderer than to challenge him. [color=39b54a]"I need Jonathan Corben, Thor, and I need you to get him for me. He's too dangerous to be left on the streets and far too dangerous to fall into the hands of that false god Superman. His powers are radiation-based. You understand radiation, I hope? Well, if he's not brought here before the hour is out the entire city is going to be turned into a nuclear wasteland. You might survive it but us mere mortals certainly will not. You can see the dilemma. I need Corben back and Superman and Wonder Woman want to keep him to themselves. If they do, innocent people will die. You don't... intend to let that happen, do you, Thor?"[/color]