[center][h1][color=007236]Elliot Forrester[/color][/h1][/center] Elliot's night had ended rather quickly after he left the hall, his eyes were hardly staying open as he walked to the Gryffindor dorm room. He decided to just go straight to bed instead of staying up and chatting to his friends. The first day always took it out of him, mainly because of the huge train journey. As soon as Elliot got up, he chucked on some clothes that he has for his quidditch training and went for a quick jog to wake him up before grabbing some breakfast and getting ready for his first lesson, with plenty of time to spare. Defence Against The Dark Arts was Elliot’s favourite class easily, mainly for the fact he thought it was the most interesting and entertaining. The room was nicer than the old one that was down in the basement, Elliot had to give it to Professor Bellfree for that. It was the only thing that Elliot could give credit to Bellfree for, his lessons were very poorly put together which annoyed Elliot. As he walked into the class, hardly any one was there, so he decided to take a seat in the middle and wait for the lesson to start.