The tension in the air was enough to strangle her. The breathing of chaos, uneasiness....Despair...In a way, it was tormentingly straining. To hear and feel so much that could break at the smallest turn of events. It was at the tipping point from Umbra, only to be kicked when Reaper, for some unknown reason thought it was wise to use her abilities. The child's sobs were something that pulled at her chest. She hated the sound of crying, tears of any kind. She couldn't stand the sound of it, the feeling of water falling down one's cheeks. TB and Manny were helping, Ditch soon jumping in, Ecto trying but was clearly out of his element, yet the child seemed to still be a bit untrusting. No surprise, he's a brave little one to be dealing with the masked faces looking his way. Hearing the bracelet being crushed under Ditch's foot though caused Raven to hold back a groan. She was hoping she could feel that later. She needed to know what to look out for in the future. But it helped the kid so it softened the blow to her lost chance. A sigh escaping her lips, she felt for the hood on the back of her coat, only to realize that it was still with the child. Carefully moving to the stage, her cane tapping in rhythmic patterns, head turned away so he wouldn't look directly into the raven's sockets. Raven Tale began to feel for her coat, the laced sleeves brushing her finger tips she pulled it close, donning the fabric and pulling the hood up. Her hand brushing the mask to disperse it only for the oversized hood to cover her face instead. "Sorry little one, I can't show my face, but at least its not as scary now, right?" Offering a smile she sat on the ground, back to the stage to give the kid space, but to still be able to listen. A chill ran down her spine when he spoke to TB. Talking of his mother, did he know him? No, the way he spoke, it was strange. As if he never met the topic of conversation. It was like a flip of the switch, TB, calm and collected began to break slightly. Leaving in a hurry to the awaiting rain. She couldn't help but bring her knees up when she heard a scream of suffering. A cry that was bottled up, it was more than faint, below a whispered call, but it was still a haunting melody. Playing with the cane in hand, she ran her thumb over the designed engraved in the handle. Feeling the wooden stage at her back as she continued to listen. The child had spoken of ghosts before TB left. Could he see them? The thought made her freeze up, biting her lip at the ideas that ran through her head. She began to hear a beautiful voice in her mind, one unmatched by all, soft words and kind laughter, and it was enough to almost make a tear fall down her own face. Kaite, could he see her? No, Kaite should be watching over her family. There was not a day Raven had not thought about her best friend. But she wouldn't think the woman would be with her. She should be safe for now. "So little one, do you have a place to go? Family? Don't worry, ether way we'll still protect you from the bad guys, and Umbra. But is there anyone that might be worried?" If it was the case, than someone must be looking for him. Family that must be worried sick, overworked in their quest to find him. But if not, where would they take him? She had her own place, and her neighbour could help, it was safe, but he might need something different. Something that feels safer. All that she knew right now, was that they were probably going to mess up, they were going to make too many mistakes.