[@Drifting Pollen] [i]Before too long Elly would get a reading on the monster, but that in addition to the removal of her sight would take place after the sparse moment that it was using to try and kill Eubeal. First off, it apparently couldn't link its sight to someone without eyes, but if their vision was restored, so was the curse. That much would be obvious. Next off, she would learn that yes, its organic structure was comparable to that of most Earthly animals, save for the lungs. In leau of lungs, it had a strange tracheae system, like a more complex version of how an insect respirates. It could survive in all manner of atmospheres or lack thereof. It had to be versatile to be able to traverse each world it visited, after all, even the airless and toxic alien ones. The mucous seemed to be full of previously undiscovered lipids, proteins, and of course some crazy powerful toxins. Due to the anticoagulate properties of the mucous, the bufotoxins had to be highly concentrated, so that even if the wound through which they were delivered were massively traumatic and bleeding, the victim would still quickly succumb to hallucinations. As a point of comparison, the creature's bufotoxins were hundreds of times more concentrated than that of the neurotoxic venom of the inland taipan. It would do Elly well to warn her friends that so much as a scratch from the Magna Pater would be almost impossible to heal or detoxify, even with high powered restorative magic. If it were somehow able to directly inject that mucous, game over man. No saving throw. As for its maximum speed and strength... Odd. That part seemed to be as flexible as its breathing and its mucous density. It seemed to have a set of latent modes that it shifted through to conserve energy. When it hunted mortals, it seemed to utilize a level of strength and speed that was in every way superior to the various species of land mammals. Faster than a cheetah, stronger than an elephant. But when dealing with more difficult prey, the strength spectrum widened to include the scaled up physical capacities of insects. Perhaps deep down, this thing was more like a bug than anything else. The speed of an Australian tiger beetle, more than 171 body lengths per second and not even accounting for striking velocity. The raw muscle of a Herculese beetle, rendering the nasty devil capable of lifting well over 300 tons. Oh yes, it had been hiding quite a bit. It undoubtedly dominated the animal kingdom. Except for durability. It was tough as nails, no doubt about that, but to maintain its flexibility and ability to produce toxins, it had given up much. Its bones were relatively lightweight and its skin spongy. It could soak up weaker hits, but anything that was fast and heavy could really hurt it. Its wings were extremely durable, but in blocking heavy blows the bones behind the wings could fracture. Elly would be able to make sense of why the monster relied so heavily on deception and evasion. If it tried to fight a super weight head on, its deadly natural weapons wouldn't even come close to making up for its sloppy durability. It was, for all intents and purposes, a glass cannon. One that could heal, but only if it had food.[/i]