Name - Enior Errigan Age - 19 Gender - M Race - Elf Personality - Enior speaks to a room of many people and they all cheer his name. He joins in song, merriment, entertainment, and all other hospitalities that life might have to offer at any given time. Though his demeanor is friendly, the elf would likely reevaluate his morals for a high enough sum of gold. Enior is a thief and a rogue who treads in the shadow, his personality in combat being unheard and of a single swing. Though he'd rather avoid combat entirely, Enior has been known to hold his ground against more than one opponent. In most cases, Enior utilizes charm and wit to woo an opposing party over, or gain favors and trinkets he should not. Appearance - [hider=Enior Appearance] [img][/img][/hider] He wears a transparent, thin veil as a sort of mask. It is only effective at night or in dim lightning. Abilities - Lockpicking, pickpocketing, knife-throwing, stealth, superb climbing and speed, trap disarming, silver tongue Equipment - Thieves' tools, Climbing kit, leather armor, throwing knives, two iron daggers, and smoke bombs Backstory - Raised in the slums of a bustling city, Enior was quick to learn harsh living and the brutality of famine. Stealing his way to survive, Enior became rather good at becoming unnoticed about the hundredth time he was beaten by the local vendors. He could steal goods, foods, even coin from one's pocket without being noticed. On occasion, he's even been known to slip a weapon from a guard or two, or so he claims. At a younger age than most he became a sellsword. He favored the dagger above all other weapons, allowing him to strike in close proximity while remaining light on his feet. Now, though, he seeks knowledge of a great treasure; the life of a sellsword pays well but not enough. He dreams of bathing in the gold of nobles, gold he never attained as a child in the gutter.