[center][img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Carnage27/ironfist02_zps70jajrxi.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][color=forestgreen]HEROES FOR HIRE in A SNAKE IN THE GRASS[/color][/b][/center] I begin to hear voices, like those coming through a thick wall or if you had cotton balls shoved down your ears. I open my eyes, and light floods in like a tidal wave. The illumination is so intense it disorients me and throws me into a vertigo like state. A strong pair of hands stops me from falling out of bed, “Whoa, buddy. Easy there.” Luke’s voice is a welcomed sound to hear after the previous night. My vision begins to regulate, and I find a myriad of faces looking back at me. Next to Luke is Jessica Jones, a former vigilante and fellow PI. She’s also Luke’s girlfriend. Next to them is Claire, checking the medical equipment hooked up to me. Behind her is Colleen Wing, PI and vigilante. And to my right is the most beautiful sight in the world. Under the afroed poof of jet black hair is the face of Misty Knight. Her brown eyes are ablaze with either anger at what I got myself into or happiness to see me awake. The two of us have had a bumpy relationship, and are currently in the midst of one of those bumps. “Oh crap,” I cough. “I must be dead.” A small smile curls the end of her lips before she manages to hide it, “You keep doing stupid shit like this and I’ll make sure of that myself.” I let out a laugh before recoiling in pain, “Oh god don’t make me laugh. Or breathe. Or live. Basically everything hurts.” “That’s what happens when you get pumped up with a powerful neurotoxin,” Claire mutters. “I had to give you every countermeasure I could think of. You’re going to be sore as hell for a few days. The only reason you’re alive are your abilities.” “Yay…” I groan. “Danny, you have to be more careful. I don’t want to have to take care of Luke once you’re gone,” Jessica deadpanned. “Danny, be careful? That’ll be the day,” Colleen added in. “Well, I’m glad I’m alive too,” I cough. “Oh quit being dramatic,” Misty elbows me in the shoulder sending a wave of pain through my body. I look up at her with anger filling my eyes. As our eyes meet, she flashes me a wink. The gesture takes away all my pain. Funny thing about that. Even in bad times, that special someone can melt your worries away. “So what did they take?” I ask about the robbery. “Some stone,” Luke explains. “Has to do with some ancient Indian superstition. Did the thief say anything to you?” I try to remember the night before, but the poison has fogged my mind. I remember bits and pieces, but not a ton. “She called herself ‘Copperhead’, and was really into the snake thing,” my head hurts as I try to concentrate. “Something about me being an infidel.” “Sounds like a religious fanatic,” Luke rolls his eyes. “The religious nuts are always the worst.” “Maybe, but that poison she used and her distinctive look will leave a trail,” Colleen ponders. “Yea, there’s no way a fear-based toxin won’t have some sort of reputation,” Jessica nods. “I’ll crack some skulls, maybe can find something.” Luke shoots her a worried look, “Don’t be afraid to call for backup.” She rolls her eyes playfully, “Please, you just stay fine.” “Meanwhile Colleen and I will take a look at our slain cop’s murder scene and final crime scene,” Luke nods at the fellow vigilante. “Misty came through with his case file. He was investigating a drug call on the docks. Guessing whatever he saw there he wasn’t supposed to see.” “Any word on the partner?” I ask about the officer called Burr. “Has anything happened to him? Any incidents?” “Nothing,” Colleen shook her head. That’s odd, to say the least. If the two officers stumbled upon something that people were willing to kill to hide, the fact that one of them was still alive casts a shadow on our surviving cop. Could he be involved in this? “Well, I’ll do some research from bed,” I sigh. Sitting around while my friends risk their necks is never something I’d sign up for. I’ve always been the one to jump into situations like an idiot to help them, not the other way around. Knowing Copperhead is out there doesn’t help either. She’s dangerous. If she gets the drop on them they’ll be right next to me, or worse. “I’ll help,” Misty insists. “You need rest, and two pairs of eyes are gonna be better than one. Besides, you’re notoriously bad at paying attention.” My eyes narrow, as I know exactly what she’s talking about, “Come on, it was the playoffs!” “And you had to play off yourself for a few weeks after that,” she chuckles. Even if she’s ribbing me, that laugh gets me. Damn her. Luke laughs heartily, “Oh damn, man. You got owned.” “Thanks, buddy,” I sigh. “Thanks.”