[u]37 Cockatiels[/u] [hider= Stephan] Name: Stephan Age: 25ish Gender: male Species: clangifted [img]https://ru.myanimeshelf.com/upload/dynamic/2011-05/19/052.jpg[/img] Appearance: fit, pretty attractive tbh, black hair, somewhat reflective golden eyes Personality: fueled by rage and caffeine alone. Has trouble trusting people, will fight anyone and anything. Extremely tired all the time and vaguely homicidal. Fear(s): entrapment, loss of control. Ability: shifts into a golden eagle, manipulating life energy Short History: Used to be an assassin, but killed his employer after developing severe PTSD and now works on his own. From east coast America, probably got kidnapped from his friend’s house. Other: doesn’t sleep a whole lot, it’s actually kinda scary [/hider]