[hider=Plot Character, Kito Umezawa]Name: [b]Kito Umezawa[/b] Age: [b]30[/b] Gender: [b]Male[/b] Appearance: [hider=Kito][img]http://i1267.photobucket.com/albums/jj553/ZU1990/MarcusVega_zpse6a183f5.png[/img][/hider] Kito's pretty typical in terms appearance, average build, typical height of exactly 6 feet, though there is a birthmark on his neck in the form of a scar. It's shape resembles a crescent moon. He typically wears a suit which can be one of two colors, depending upon what day it is. Black is his typical color, usually meant for work, while a grey one is typically what he wears when not working. His eye color is brown, while his hair is blonde, the result of his father marrying an American woman. Personality: Kito is typically calm, cool and collected. His attitude towards others is passive; as long as they don't bother him, he doesn't care. He has a fine eye for detail in everything. His work, those around him, even his own home. Everything has it's place and he is constantly writing down every detail, ensuring to leave nothing out, being as descriptive as possible. He writes down everything he sees and hears, whether it's about him or not. He keeps a record of it in his journal, which he carries with him at all times. The journal itself is currently in it's tenth edition, each one chronicling his life since he first started writing, up until this moment. Diary: [b]Observer Diary[/b] Notable Skills: His attention to detail is beyond that of any normal person's ability; he's able to notice things that escape even the most observant person, and even the most advanced surveillance equipment. It is this skill alone that makes others veer away from him, believing him to be some sort of freak. History: Kito had been born with a special gift, the ability to see things others missed, or couldn't see. This helped him early on in life, as he was able to avoid fights, or end them if he was ever confronted. However, as he grew, he began to pull away from society. As a result, he was treated as an outcast, a loner. As such, he resigned himself to writing everything he saw and heard, whether it was directed at him or not. It wasn't until he was older and working did he meet Gospel, assuming the God was merely a figment of his imagination, created to help prevent himself from going completely insane. The last four years he had been party to Gospel's machinations, quite often encountering him when reaching a dead end on a case, only to have the God or his subordinate point out a detail that helped to break the case wide open. Misc: First. Kito works for the police and is the captain.[/hider]