[quote=@Wicker] Interested! I know you've stated you're interested in more bombastic characters, but in order to avoid crossing any lines, I'm curious: where are you drawing the line? What kinds of guidelines are you going to impose on any prospective characters? [/quote] Honestly, I was going broadly to just trust people; If it's excessive, I'll ask people to tone it down at the sheet stage. In terms of lore, the Hosts are kind of physical manifestations of their own individuality, if that makes sense: realism isn't really a factor. In terms of actual skill/power etcetera, I was going to put together a very basic stat-sheet (in addition to a comprehensive proper-sheet) for people to rate themselves/10 in each field, with no real rules and only with intervention from me if it seems excessive. We're talking fields like combat, cunning, reputation, etc. While I won't micromanage, I want to encourage people right from the start to support each other in telling the stories they want to tell, and if people buy into that, there isn't any need for balancing; people will scale their strengths and weaknesses according to what sheets are already around, so if they want to play a super-powerful Host, they can do that, while similarly-powered Hosts may find themselves rivals, or valuable allies. Equally, somebody may wish to play a weaker Host who has to use their cunning to either betray or bribe or brown-nose their way as high in the food chain as they can, knowing they'll have to use the strengths of others to do so. Or, you could well be stupid AND weak, in which case you might enjoy being a lackey to somebody smarter or stronger or both. I take the sheet section kinda seriously and hopefully you can see why: I want to trust people with the freedom to build their character in a way that they'll enjoy in a way that harmonises with everybody else doing the same thing. I do read the sheets carefully and I'll definitely want to at least discuss any aspect that I'm not sure about; this might make me seem like a total bitch, but I like to think people understand what I mean here. If/when we get to sheets, and, when I write the skeleton (need to work out some lore first), then I'll have a much clearer idea of what information I'm asking for and what information I should expect. Sorry if this didn't really answer your question, but the upshot is: if you can make it cool in a way you like and doesn't trample anybody else, it'll be just fine by me. In order to give youse freedom, though, I have to play things by ear, and will therefore adopt a strict policy of, in addition to playing god IC, being god OoC. :P