Girard couldn't help but cringe as the scene on and near the stage unfolded in front of him. They almost seemed to be making some progress by carefully talking the little man down right up until Turn Back and Reaper both showed they're powers though the latter somewhat seemed less than intentional. It triggered an absolutely pitiful moment of fear and more than enough sadness to go around as the poor kid clutched onto Ecto sobbing while Ditch moved over also attempting to comfort the boy and seeming to succeed where the others failed for the moment however the bracelet only seemed to bring out desperation. That seemed to change as the woman crushed the object underfoot taking that away and it looked like it made a better impression on they're guest than most anything else that was tried which was a good sign but what the boy had to say left them no doubt as to the culprit. [i]"That son of a bitch." He thought feeling on the verge of anger which he forced himself to rein back for the time.[/i] The last thing anyone needed to do was get upset in front of the kid and it would only leave more room for him to get a negative feel for them. But the big man felt kind of frozen when looking at the boy who in a way reminded him of his brother in a way. That one major traumatic event that could and would change what you only leaving you and whoever else you had to pick up the pieces of a shattered perception. His brother had become much more quiet around them, particularly him, at times despite all the comfort his family tried to provide and Tank couldn't help seeing the similarities. His expression had turned from concerned to distant as his mind was swiftly making him relive the shooting and following weeks all over again. It hurt more than he was willing to admit having seen his brother become so different to what he remembered and there was every chance this kid could end up the same but they had to try everything they could to help and the cost didn't matter. Girard had only caught the slightest of the conversation TB had managed to start being more than a bit preoccupied in his own thoughts but he heard the boy talking about ghosts around them and numerous at that and it made him think of his own family a little. He did notice the other man leaving but was hardly capable of asking why or in any rush to stop him because he looked less than good momentarily. It took him a moment to pan around the room noticing a few of the others were either uncomfortable or just unable to help with the situation kind of like how he felt before where as the rest at the stage were still trying to get a little trust back. He realized in a moment he had something to say to the boy and he felt it needed to be said for his sake at the least and it was him who inspired it in the big man. Tank moved himself over towards the stage slowly and deliberately, part for keeping the little guy calm and part because of the weight of the situation resting on him, as he sat on the still newly constructed side of the stage which thanks to him he knew would hold the weight. "I know someone like you...someone who went through nothing anyone should have to. He more afraid than I could imagine of what happened to him and what was going to happen after. His family, friends and everyone one did everything they could to get him better and try to take away his fear. He did his best to fight that fear and it changed him too, it made him stronger than he was before but only because he realized he could do something about it. Maybe he couldn't do everything he used to but one thing he could was give everything he had to help others who faced the same thing and to be a better person than the people who hurt him. I learned a lot from him and one thing I learned was to help anyone who needed it and I'll make you the same promise to protect you and make sure Umbra doesn't get to do this to anyone else if you promise not to let what he did keep you from being a stronger you. I'll keep my end no matter what, I'll just watch and hope you get the same support from everyone who cares too." The big man gave up something personal, maybe a bit vague, but very important to him. It was a memory of his great-grandfather, a man who had been nearly beaten to death and left to it by criminals in Millennium City and spent the rest of his life trying to put all of his money and influence to provide help for anyone who was hurt or otherwise attacked by the dark side of the city. The sheer determination and good heart of the man was something that Girard looked up to and had always been a part of why he did what he did trying to clean up the city and he hoped the kid could draw something from it too.