It slightly annoyed him that she didn’t answer any of his posed questions, only saying that she knew that they hadn’t known each other that long. She said she didn’t expect change overnight, and he understood her. He understood that he often saved the questions for later, but Elann was not him in that regard, he believed. He didn't think she would bring the questions up later to be discussed with a sounder mind. He thought she would hide them away again to bring up in a barrage like this. Noah had, and still was, speaking from his heart to her, telling her what was really bothering him, and it didn't seem she liked it, growing quiet like that. “It does sometimes,” he said earnestly. “Things that are common sense to you aren’t to me. I’ve had less time than you to learn these things, even if you are from Ekytol.” He sighed from his nose, going on to say, “It’s exhausting to keep trying to impress people that probably don’t care, or I won’t see again. The most I’ve really ever gone to vendors in Syliras is to get gifts for you. Otherwise I would hardly see them, nor would I want to.” In those instances, he looked like an ordinary man, a quiet, lanky, awkward man. To nearly every human that wasn’t an auramancer Kelvics looked human when they appeared as such. People would be none the wiser lest they were informed by the Kelvic that they were actually a different race. Even Kelvics had not sense of if there was another Kelvic in the vicinity unless obvious tells came like the unabashed nudeness, the sparkling transformation, or the very acute scent of an animal. There were more quiet, and awkward men in the world than there were Kelvics, he was nearly sure of that. “I don’t know how to help you understand me because my people do not have a culture. We do not have cities and we do not gather like humans do,” he informed her. “If we meet it is by accident, and I’ve only ever met one other Kelvic in my three years of Syliras that I know of. I only knew she was a Kelvic because I talked to her before and after she shifted. All I can show you is what I love, and that is this,” he gestured up into the sky, a moodless breeze gently coming over them, “and you,” he said, reaching for her hand to hold. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been out here like this, and it’s been a long time since I saw my sister and mother. I want to enjoy it before I’m put back into another city. I would like you to enjoy it with me, too,” he expressed, looking to her again.